Thursday, April 30, 2015

Misty Thursday Morning

Copyright AJ Horton

Thursdays are special days.  And even more special if you're lucky enough to rise early and go to the river because you just might find something extraordinary.  This mist was formed because cooler air passed over the warm water.  I have found this happens most in spring or fall.  Those are the two best times of the year to get out of bed early as far as I'm concerned.  I really enjoy misty mornings and even more so when there's a heron around.

I hope you've enjoyed your Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday's Flower

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

I guess this week is about flowers.  I actually do like/love flowers.  All kinds of flowers.  This flower is a kind of lily.  I think it is a stargazer lily, or Asian lily some sources say.  It is beautiful and I enjoyed photographing it today.  This Wednesday is about this wonderful flower.  Its petals and the actual inside of the flower look, to me, like a star.  Apparently not all stars are in the sky.  I will take my stars wherever I can find them, whether in the skies, in the flowers, or in a "starfish" from the ocean.  Stars seem to be symbols of all that is good, of a certain hope in the world, of a hope that I want.  What do stars mean to you?
I trust you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Don't worry, Friday will be here soon.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday's Azalea

Copyright AJ Horton

It's still azalea time in the South and thankfully some azaleas are still blooming.  I'm so glad because this is such a beautiful flower.  My mother loved them and they would actually grow for her.  Me, I can plant them all I want, but they decide NOT to grow for me.  I guess I have no "green thumb" like my mother.  Fortunately, I have had the sense to buy a house where azaleas are already established, so I can still enjoy them.  I can also enjoy the bees that stop by to help pollinate and keep the cycle going.
I hope that you've had a wonderful Tuesday.  I hope that you were able to enjoy the beauty and maybe even the aroma of azaleas.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday's Wisteria

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Monday to all.  I love Wisteria.  I love to watch it bloom.  I love to see its vines, whether they're reaching out to the water or wrapped around trees, or occasionally, when it's growing by itself.  It's just pretty to me.  it reminds me of a bunch of grapes.  And grapes remind me of jelly, jam, wine.  Wonderful things that my mouth enjoys.  I found one source, though, that claims that wisteria actually is a legume.  Huh, who knew?  Anyway, no matter, it is a lovely flower and I enjoy looking at it and enjoying its fragrance.

I hope you had a wonderful Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Big Sunday Hug

Copyright AJ Horton

"Come on over here and give me a great big bear hug", he seemed to say.  Umm, no, I think I'll keep my distance.  But you're a lovely, lonely looking bear.  I wish I could trust this "bear hug" to not kill me.  He looks innocent enough.  Sometimes the ones who look innocent are the ones that can hurt you the most.  This appears to be an American Black Bear.  He grows 5 - 6 feet in height and can weigh anywhere between 200 to 600 pounds.  So, as much as I love hugs, I think I'll gather them from other humans.

I hope you've gotten plenty of hugs this Sunday.  Hugs really do help us feel better - even if we were already feeling good.  I always enjoy a good hug.

I hope you've had a wonderful hug filled  Sunday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday's Glow

Copyright AJ Horton
The photo today is of some kind of Thistle.  This particular Thistle seems to have some kind of glow coming from the inside of the flower.  It's somewhat mesmerizing to me.  Maybe it's also mesmerizing the insects that dare to enter this Thistle's flower.  Usually, to me, the Thistle is a weed that hurts me when I try to pull it up with its thorny stalks.  But this time, this time it's different.  This time this weed/plant is beautiful.  It's glow deserves to be preserved - not to mention photographed.  And so I leave it alone (except for the picture), so that it will complete its life cycle without any interference from me. It seems that there is always something good and beautiful in everything, And everyone.  Guess it's time for me to show my glow!  How about you?  I hope I'm not just a thorny thistle all the time and my glow does shine through daily.  I plan on working on showing it more.

I hope you had a wonderfully glowing Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday's Rose

Copyright AJ Horton

Roses are some of the best flowers out there - in my opinion.  They seem to be just like people; they are pretty and fragrant and as they mature, they open into a beautiful flower.  They also have thorns and, well, don't we all each have a little thorny side to us?
I hope you had a great Friday.  See you tomorrow

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday's Flight

Copyright AJ Horton

On this Thursday, I stood by and watched as the MOST wonderful person, who I have loved longer than I have been on this earth, flew above the clouds to HEAVEN.  She was always my biggest supporter, but never let me get away with anything.  I always got caught when I did something wrong.  She taught me so much, she encouraged me always, she helped me even when I didn't know I needed help.  She always had my back.   And now, I had to have her back.  She told us her wishes, she actually put her wishes on paper so we had to abide by them.  And we did.  Today, an angel flew above the clouds, we stood by her and supported her decision as she began her new adventure.  Oh my, how she love adventures.  My life has been one great adventure after another.  Even when she made a wrong turn and we became lost, instead of panicing, she would just laugh and say, "We're not lost, we're just off on a new adventure."  

So today, my precious Mother, my precious mentor,  you go on this adventure and you leave all of us on earth that love you so much and you enter a realm we can only imagine.  I am heartbroken!  What am I going to do now?  How could you do this to me?  I didn't have enough time with you.  COME BACK!!!  DON'T LEAVE ME!!!  I LOVE YOU!!

And then I come back to my senses, and I realize that this is not about me.  This is not about what I want, or how I feel.  This is about her.  This is about what she wants.  I love her so I support her, so I will do what she wants no matter how I feel.  But it's not easy.  I don't want to - but it's not about me.  But I don't want to.

I know you'll always look out for me, but you won't be "here".  You'll be above the clouds.  That is just not the same.  You know I will talk to you every day.  But that is just not the same.  

There are a lot of things, that, from now on, won't be the same.  One thing that will be the same - FOREVER - is the fact that I had the greatest MOTHER on earth and for that I will be eternally grateful to GOD for gifting me with you.  You will always be with me.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Bear"ly able to stand this Wednesday!

Copyright AJ Horton

Whew!  Wednesday!  What a day.  This poor guy at the Asheboro Zoo, NC just doesn't seem to have the strength to go.   I know how he feels.  I imagine most of you who read this feel this way once in a while, too.  This particular Wednesday is one of the days I feel like this fellow.  But, I just need to suck it up, pull up my big girl panties, and get through it, just like this guy will and just like most people do.
This is a beautiful day outside.  The sun is shining and overall the weather is perfect.  Ahhh, feeling better already. 
I hope you've all had a wonderful day.  And, when you have those days like the bear above, remember, you'll get through it.  Keep believing.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday's Circle

Copyright AJ Horton

Some days are better than others.  Some days everything goes right.  Some days everything goes wrong.  Some days everything goes in circles.  This photo I took a few years ago may help explain these kind of days.  It's that kind of day when you get up and immediately something you think terrible happens and you feel you just went under water.  You swim and swim deeper under water hopefully taking care of that "thing", fixing it and then come up on the other side.  You catch your breath, things are looking up.  As you're going up something happens and it's like that large hole in the tree - it hurts - then you feel yourself going backwards - you're also still going up because you're still hopeful of improvement and then it happens - you find yourself falling toward the other side, getting closer and closer to the water until...... Yep, you're under again.  And on and on it goes, ups and downs and pain circling all day.  You get tired of this but you have no control over it.  

At some point during the day, though, you realize that you do have control over your thoughts and reactions (although that is much harder to practice than to realize).  You tell yourself that over and over again.  At some point you begin to feel a little better, your thoughts and your attitude get some better even though you're still circling.  You also get lots of help and love from family and friends.    By the end of the day, although you are tired, you feel somewhat rejuvenated and able to handle things again.  You can do this!  You will be strong!  It will be alright.  You will be fine!  Keep the faith.

I hope this wasn't your kind of day.  I understand everyone has a day like this.  When days like this happen, it's helpful to keep positive, realistic thoughts and supportive, loving and comforting people around.

Tuesday is a wonderful day.  Enjoy and love and appreciate the people around you.  Thank you for looking and reading.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Stormy Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

When you're hanging out near downtown Charlotte, NC, you are likely to get a glimpse of its skyline.  When there's a big storm around the sky turns dark.  I was a little lucky because as the storm crossed over downtown the sun somehow lit up the buildings.  What a lucky break on a Monday.

I hope you had a lucky break today.  I hope you stayed dry.  I hope you had a great Monday.  Thanks for looking.  Stay safe.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sand Dollar Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton

It is Sunday and I am thinking of the beach.  On the beach I spied a Sand Dollar.  A Sand Dollar is a burrowing sea urchin.  It lives just under the shallow part of the ocean floor.  This one has been gone for a while since the shell is so bleached.  It's also a little broken, but that's alright.  The Sand Dollar is also rich with biblical symbolism. If you want to know, just Google "sand dollar biblical meaning" and many sites are available to educate.  Try it.  You might like what you read.

I hope you've had a wonderful Sunday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lego Saturday?

Copyright AJ Horton

Sometimes Saturday is for play.  When you play, do you ever play with Legos?  Did you know that Disneyworld in Orlando, FL has a "downtown" where you can see some very fine Lego objects like this dragon.  If you have a son or daughter that loves to play with Legos, you should know that some kids grow up to make some good money making dragons and whatever else one's imagination can make with Legos.  And, there are many, many things I've seen a person can make with Legos.  Isn't that a kick?  

I hope you've had a "kick" this Saturday!  Maybe had some visiting time with friends and/or family?  Maybe time alone?  Maybe just a wonderful day? 

Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday's Platform

Copyright AJ Horton

When I look at this eagle I think of my grandmother, and, as my Grandma used to say he may not "have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of" (yep, you know you're poor if that's your scenario), but this guy has a platform to sit upon.  And, it looks like his environment doesn't require a pot or a window.  I guess it's a good thing his platform isn't what we call a "lazy Susan".  Since it looks like it's windy he'd just sit on that thing and go around and around.  That would make him a dizzy bird!  ha

I took this guy's photo while kayaking at Edisto Island, SC.  I liked that he was happy to sit for a while.  You just gotta love the bald eagle - our country's national bird.  The males and females look very much alike, with the only difference being the female is larger than the male.  Northern bald eagles, both male and female, are much bigger than southern ones.  I've also read that bald eagles are only found in North America.   

According to, bald eagles "sit at the top of the food chain, making them more vulnerable to toxic chemicals in the environment".  Just one more reason for us to protect our precious land and water.

I hope you enjoyed your Friday.  Maybe you even saw an eagle along your way.  I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled weekend.  Enjoy yourself and remember to take care of yourself and your environment.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday's Thinking of Shells

Copyright AJ Horton
Today, Thursday, I want to think of myself lounging on the beach enjoying everything - the sand, the surf, big shells, little shells, shells that have a top ....  It is Thursday when our thoughts really turn to planning for the weekend.  We only have two days, we have to have  a plan and make the best of our weekend - even if the plan is to stay in bed and watch TV all weekend.  But you've still got to get through today and tomorrow (unless you have Friday off).  So dreaming and planning will have to do for now.  The beach is calling me.  Is the beach calling you?  Will you answer the call?  Or is something else calling you - the mountains, the yard, friends, family, the TV?  Well, dream on, and enjoy this Thursday as you get one day closer to the weekend.
Thanks for looking and dreaming with me.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday's Talk to the Hand!

Copyright AJ Horton

It's Wednesday, you've got two more days to go before your work week is over and, to top it all off, it's RAINING!!  ARRGGGGH!!   Well, here's what you do - - TALK TO THE HAND! (hahaha, I'm so clever - go ahead and chuckle, you know you want to.)  
It seems that even rivers have a sense of humor.  Or, it could just be welcoming to its shore.  Or, it could be telling me to stop right where I am and not come any further.  But, since it can't really talk, I can just make up whatever I want!  So there.
You, too, can make up whatever you want that "hand" to represent.  When you come up with something, share with me.  I'd like to know.
By the way, I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday.  Thanks for looking and maybe talking to the hand.  See you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday's Homes

Copyright AJ Horton

It's Tuesday and here it's raining.  When it's raining and I'm all cozy in my home, I tend to think of our outdoor friends and wonder where they are and if they are dry.  Then I think back to when I was a child (not so long ago ;) ), and it was pointed out that mushrooms are fairy homes/shelters.  Yes, it seemed logical.  Little, mystical fairies need homes - places to keep them safe and dry.  What better place than mushrooms?
Even now, all grown up, I still look at mushrooms, not just as a fungus or something to eat, but as a home for the fairies - a shelter for magical, gifted and friendly beings.
So on this rainy Tuesday, let's celebrate the mushroom!  Every time you grab or open your umbrella (which you realize is probably patterned after the mushroom), celebrate this little fungal home for the fairies.  Imagine the wonderful little world below the mushroom and smile.
Have a great Tuesday.  Thanks for looking.  Thanks for imagining.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Hummingbird Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Hummingbird Monday.  Did you know that Hummingbirds are the smallest birds, coming in at about 3 inches?  Did you know that they are the only birds that can fly backwards?  They can also fly forward, right, left, up, down and upside down.  Did you know that they flap their wings at a rate of 80 times a second?  And their heart beats about 1260 times a minute?  Yep, if you check out, you can find other good info on hummingbirds.  One other thing I know about hummingbirds is that they have their own song - Hummingbird - by Seals and Crofts.  You may want to check it out on YouTube.  It's an oldie but a goodie.
One thing all that info can't give you is the feeling you get when you see one of these little wonders in action!  My oh my they are amazing!  My friends had this set up on their back deck in coastal Georgia and several hummingbirds come and eat.  They are mesmerizing to watch and when they arrive, that is all I want to do - watch and make photos.  
I hope you have a wonderful Monday - one where you don't feel like you're flapping your wings at 80 times a second.  Find and enjoy today's nectar like this little hummingbird.  
Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday's Watching

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

It looks like someone is watching out for me this Sunday.  I like that.  It's always nice when someone has your back.  There's a kind of peace that comes with it that you're safe and no harm will come.  I think we all like to feel like that.  Louise Hay does an affirmation that goes, "I am safe in the universe and all life loves and supports me."  I admit that I repeat that every day and I feel so loved and protected.  I also feel love for all as well.   Ahhhh, Sundays are indeed wonderful days!  Sometimes I feel like it's Sunday when it's really another day of the week, but I'm like - why not keep that wonderful feeling of Sunday all week long?  Do you think God does that?  God IS love after all so wouldn't God like it if we kept our good feelings of Sunday all week long?
Well, whatever you're doing today and whatever you believe, I hope you have a wonderful day.  It could be that someone is watching over you and has your back.
Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lazy Alligator Saturday

Copyright AJ Horton
  So, when we entered the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia, we had been told that the alligators were in hibernation.  Imagine our surprise as, after only a few minutes kayaking in shallow, narrow, water, we see this fellow sunning himself less than 10 feet away!  Well, I can tell you that after the initial shock and I was able to breath again, I slowly reached for my camera.  We were very thankful that this guy appeared to be sleeping soundly.  We paddled by him as slowly and as quietly as we could and then continued to enjoy the Okefenokee.  I did have a wonderful time paddling that day, although this guy was always on my mind, especially since we had to paddle back by him on our way out. We knew of no other way to get back to our origination.  I wondered as we paddled, "Will he still be there when we get back?", and "What if he's not there, where will he be, will he be waiting for us?", and "I wonder if he thinks we taste like chicken?"  "Has he ever had chicken?"  "I will FREAK OUT if he's moved!"  "Oh, why did I think I could bring my little kayak out here?"  At least it's not a sit on top kayak."  And so my thoughts went.  Finally, I did relax and manage to enjoy all the beauty of the Okefenokee Swamp.  It is a wonderful place to visit and, if you haven't already,  maybe you'll get to go sometime.  They do boat tours there so you don't have to go in a kayak.  Whatever way you choose, it's a great way to spend a Saturday.
  By the way, this guy was in the same place when we quietly paddled by him on our way to our car.  I am thankful to this day that he'll never know if I taste like chicken.   Who knows, he might have spit me out - I've been told that I'm spoiled.  ;)
  I hope that you have a wonderful and exciting Saturday!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday's Flower, Beauty and Innocence

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello Friday flower.  I have no clue what this little beautiful flower is - it seems to grow from a "weed" in my yard, but it is very pretty to me.  It's so fresh and clean looking to me and so open to the world it reminds me of innocence.
Anyway, today is Friday!  Woop, woot!!
Today Let's Celebrate Friday.  Enjoy Friday.  Participate in Friday.
I know I am.  Thank you for looking today.  See you tomorrow. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Zig Zag Thursday

Copyright AJ Horton

Isn't it fun to zig zag?  To go right, sharp left, then right, then left over and over again?  What fun!  And what better place is there to zig zag than the beach?  Yep.  Wish I was there right now.  But, in the meantime, I can zig zag and have fun right where I am.
I hope that you can zig zag and have fun where your are as well.  I'm counting on you having had a terrific Thursday and looking forward to a fabulous Friday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday's Blur

Copyright AJ Horton

Ok, I have wanted to put this photo up for a while but always hesitated - until now.  This was done while kayaking out of a cave in North Carolina - there was movement and the flash was on which slowed the shutter speed and, well, this "artistic" photo was born.  Personally,  I love this photo.  I can see someone in a kayak on the outside and it looks sunny and green - things I like.  It's almost like a parallel universe.  You know by now that I'm big on imagination.  ;)
Anyway, I could stare at this a while and try to "unblur" it and see the other side clearly, but that's never going to happen.  And that's alright.  Knowing that it's sunny and green on the other side is enough.  Whatever else is there I believe I can deal with.
Wednesday is our "glass half full, glass half empty" day.   Wednesday is both.  I think that's what makes Wednesday so special.
What about you?  On Wednesday, can you see through the tunnel and know that on the other side there waits something good - even if it is blurry?  I hope so.
I hope you had a fantastic Wednesday!  I hope you have a great Thursday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday's Danger

Copyright AJ Horton

Uh Oh, there seems to be a danger in these waters!  It looks like this little seagull wants to warn all his friends - and us.  Either that or he has a problem with the authority of a sign - ha- or he's illiterate.  Of course, all of this could be false - or true.  But isn't it fun to think about the possibilities?
I hope you've all had a great Tuesday, one that was full of possibilities, and maybe some of those possibilities you turned into probabilities and maybe some of those became realities.  Now that's a worthwhile day.
Happy Tuesday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday's Grackle's Cracker

Copyright AJ Horton

  Monday's Grackle's Cracker.... Can you say that fast 5 times?  I can't.  It's a real tongue twister for me.  I found this little bird enjoying my pretzel pieces when I was lounging on a pier in coastal Georgia last August.  The closest match I could find on this bird is that it is an adult female boat-tailed grackle.   She's not as shiny as some of the pictures I've seen online but we're not in the direct sun either.  We were fortunate to have a roof overhead - kept me from getting too hot, sweaty and sunburned!  
  Sometimes, if you just sit still and pay attention, something good will happen - like this bird getting so close.
  Monday's usually bring about a lot of work so not much sitting around today except for right now, writing this and enjoying the memory.
  I hope you had a wonderful Monday.  I hope you had a chance to just sit and be quiet for even a few minutes to rest your mind and muscles.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Easter to all!  I want to talk a little about this little butterfly I found while in Florida a few years ago.  I don't know anyone who doesn't admire butterflies.  They are transformers, going from egg to lowly caterpillar to cocoon to a beautiful butterfly, able to flit and fly all about and bring joy to all who see them.   We love to look at them, to chase them all about the yard and to photograph them.  Why do you think they amaze us so much?
Maybe it's because they do transform.  We know the only constant in life is change, and since they change from something not so pretty to something beautiful, we feel like we can as well.  I believe that is true, even if and especially if our beauty is on the inside.  I did a little reading on the butterfly and discovered that Greek mythology has Psyche - the goddess of the soul - who was in the form of a butterfly.  
Christianity also uses the butterfly as a symbol of the soul.   I like to think that, even though we keep the same body as we grow and learn, that the do "transform".  We have free will and we get to pick how we transform.  We can be truthful, loving, intelligent, hard working people.  We could also transform into hateful, lazy, bigoted people.  We could also be a combination.  I think we have all of the above in us.
So, today, as we celebrate the story of the transformation of Jesus from man on earth to a risen, heavenly body, I think of the butterfly, the symbol of the soul, and of its journey - of its transformation into beauty and freedom.  I think of my own journey, and hope that my own transformation of my soul will be as beautiful.
I hope you all had a wonderful, beautiful day.  Thank you for looking and reading my thoughts.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday's Flower

Copyright AJ Horton
Okay, I hope you're having a great Saturday.  I found this flower, near water, in Florida.  I've searched some on the internet and haven't been able to find out the kind or name of the flower.  Does anyone know?  I have to stop searching now because it's beautiful here and I must get out and enjoy this day.  Please clue me in if you know what it is.

Have a great day.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Sunset Good Friday

Copyright AJ Horton

The boats are quiet tonight on this Good Friday sunset.  Maybe they're not all fishing boats, but when I see this picture I think of the phrase Jesus used about "fishers of men".  This is a special Friday and weekend and reminds me that I believe God is love!  I do believe in Jesus and God and I do believe that God is love.  I also believe that a lot of hate, war and murder is erroneously credited to God.  People choose to believe what they believe and some people really do believe that God wants war and God hates.  I prefer that God wants what John Lennon sang about in the song Imagine.  Can't we all just get along and love each other, no matter what?  When we spread and nurture seeds of love, then hate cannot grow.

Thank you for indulging me tonight.  Thank you for looking.  I wish peace and blessings to all.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday's No April Fool Sunrise

Copyright AJ Horton
So the sunrise on Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island, GA just really deserves another look.  The trees and "driftwood" there, although they're dead and old, are amazing.  And while you would think they would be too heavy for waves to bring up on the beach, well, there they are!  

I hope you had a wonderful Thursday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sunrise Wednesday

Copyright AJ Horton

Wednesday's sunrise is from Jekyll Island, GA.  This is an entrance to what is called Driftwood Beach.  This is a wonderful stretch of beach where huge trees were washed ashore many, many years ago.  According to "this is due to the north end of the island slowly eroding away and being deposited on the south end of the island."  Whatever the reason, this is a wonderful beach to explore.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday!  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

(oooPs!  Got my days mixed up.  This is Wednesday.  So sorry.  Hahaha  April Fool on me!)