Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday's Flower

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

I guess this week is about flowers.  I actually do like/love flowers.  All kinds of flowers.  This flower is a kind of lily.  I think it is a stargazer lily, or Asian lily some sources say.  It is beautiful and I enjoyed photographing it today.  This Wednesday is about this wonderful flower.  Its petals and the actual inside of the flower look, to me, like a star.  Apparently not all stars are in the sky.  I will take my stars wherever I can find them, whether in the skies, in the flowers, or in a "starfish" from the ocean.  Stars seem to be symbols of all that is good, of a certain hope in the world, of a hope that I want.  What do stars mean to you?
I trust you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Don't worry, Friday will be here soon.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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