Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday's Blur

Copyright AJ Horton

Ok, I have wanted to put this photo up for a while but always hesitated - until now.  This was done while kayaking out of a cave in North Carolina - there was movement and the flash was on which slowed the shutter speed and, well, this "artistic" photo was born.  Personally,  I love this photo.  I can see someone in a kayak on the outside and it looks sunny and green - things I like.  It's almost like a parallel universe.  You know by now that I'm big on imagination.  ;)
Anyway, I could stare at this a while and try to "unblur" it and see the other side clearly, but that's never going to happen.  And that's alright.  Knowing that it's sunny and green on the other side is enough.  Whatever else is there I believe I can deal with.
Wednesday is our "glass half full, glass half empty" day.   Wednesday is both.  I think that's what makes Wednesday so special.
What about you?  On Wednesday, can you see through the tunnel and know that on the other side there waits something good - even if it is blurry?  I hope so.
I hope you had a fantastic Wednesday!  I hope you have a great Thursday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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