Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday's Azalea

Copyright AJ Horton

It's still azalea time in the South and thankfully some azaleas are still blooming.  I'm so glad because this is such a beautiful flower.  My mother loved them and they would actually grow for her.  Me, I can plant them all I want, but they decide NOT to grow for me.  I guess I have no "green thumb" like my mother.  Fortunately, I have had the sense to buy a house where azaleas are already established, so I can still enjoy them.  I can also enjoy the bees that stop by to help pollinate and keep the cycle going.
I hope that you've had a wonderful Tuesday.  I hope that you were able to enjoy the beauty and maybe even the aroma of azaleas.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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