Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday's Watching

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

It looks like someone is watching out for me this Sunday.  I like that.  It's always nice when someone has your back.  There's a kind of peace that comes with it that you're safe and no harm will come.  I think we all like to feel like that.  Louise Hay does an affirmation that goes, "I am safe in the universe and all life loves and supports me."  I admit that I repeat that every day and I feel so loved and protected.  I also feel love for all as well.   Ahhhh, Sundays are indeed wonderful days!  Sometimes I feel like it's Sunday when it's really another day of the week, but I'm like - why not keep that wonderful feeling of Sunday all week long?  Do you think God does that?  God IS love after all so wouldn't God like it if we kept our good feelings of Sunday all week long?
Well, whatever you're doing today and whatever you believe, I hope you have a wonderful day.  It could be that someone is watching over you and has your back.
Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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