Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday's Homes

Copyright AJ Horton

It's Tuesday and here it's raining.  When it's raining and I'm all cozy in my home, I tend to think of our outdoor friends and wonder where they are and if they are dry.  Then I think back to when I was a child (not so long ago ;) ), and it was pointed out that mushrooms are fairy homes/shelters.  Yes, it seemed logical.  Little, mystical fairies need homes - places to keep them safe and dry.  What better place than mushrooms?
Even now, all grown up, I still look at mushrooms, not just as a fungus or something to eat, but as a home for the fairies - a shelter for magical, gifted and friendly beings.
So on this rainy Tuesday, let's celebrate the mushroom!  Every time you grab or open your umbrella (which you realize is probably patterned after the mushroom), celebrate this little fungal home for the fairies.  Imagine the wonderful little world below the mushroom and smile.
Have a great Tuesday.  Thanks for looking.  Thanks for imagining.  See you tomorrow.

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