Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday's Platform

Copyright AJ Horton

When I look at this eagle I think of my grandmother, and, as my Grandma used to say he may not "have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of" (yep, you know you're poor if that's your scenario), but this guy has a platform to sit upon.  And, it looks like his environment doesn't require a pot or a window.  I guess it's a good thing his platform isn't what we call a "lazy Susan".  Since it looks like it's windy he'd just sit on that thing and go around and around.  That would make him a dizzy bird!  ha

I took this guy's photo while kayaking at Edisto Island, SC.  I liked that he was happy to sit for a while.  You just gotta love the bald eagle - our country's national bird.  The males and females look very much alike, with the only difference being the female is larger than the male.  Northern bald eagles, both male and female, are much bigger than southern ones.  I've also read that bald eagles are only found in North America.   

According to, bald eagles "sit at the top of the food chain, making them more vulnerable to toxic chemicals in the environment".  Just one more reason for us to protect our precious land and water.

I hope you enjoyed your Friday.  Maybe you even saw an eagle along your way.  I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled weekend.  Enjoy yourself and remember to take care of yourself and your environment.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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