Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lego Saturday?

Copyright AJ Horton

Sometimes Saturday is for play.  When you play, do you ever play with Legos?  Did you know that Disneyworld in Orlando, FL has a "downtown" where you can see some very fine Lego objects like this dragon.  If you have a son or daughter that loves to play with Legos, you should know that some kids grow up to make some good money making dragons and whatever else one's imagination can make with Legos.  And, there are many, many things I've seen a person can make with Legos.  Isn't that a kick?  

I hope you've had a "kick" this Saturday!  Maybe had some visiting time with friends and/or family?  Maybe time alone?  Maybe just a wonderful day? 

Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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