Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday's Glow

Copyright AJ Horton
The photo today is of some kind of Thistle.  This particular Thistle seems to have some kind of glow coming from the inside of the flower.  It's somewhat mesmerizing to me.  Maybe it's also mesmerizing the insects that dare to enter this Thistle's flower.  Usually, to me, the Thistle is a weed that hurts me when I try to pull it up with its thorny stalks.  But this time, this time it's different.  This time this weed/plant is beautiful.  It's glow deserves to be preserved - not to mention photographed.  And so I leave it alone (except for the picture), so that it will complete its life cycle without any interference from me. It seems that there is always something good and beautiful in everything, And everyone.  Guess it's time for me to show my glow!  How about you?  I hope I'm not just a thorny thistle all the time and my glow does shine through daily.  I plan on working on showing it more.

I hope you had a wonderfully glowing Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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