Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"Bear"ly able to stand this Wednesday!

Copyright AJ Horton

Whew!  Wednesday!  What a day.  This poor guy at the Asheboro Zoo, NC just doesn't seem to have the strength to go.   I know how he feels.  I imagine most of you who read this feel this way once in a while, too.  This particular Wednesday is one of the days I feel like this fellow.  But, I just need to suck it up, pull up my big girl panties, and get through it, just like this guy will and just like most people do.
This is a beautiful day outside.  The sun is shining and overall the weather is perfect.  Ahhh, feeling better already. 
I hope you've all had a wonderful day.  And, when you have those days like the bear above, remember, you'll get through it.  Keep believing.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.


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