Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday's Talk to the Hand!

Copyright AJ Horton

It's Wednesday, you've got two more days to go before your work week is over and, to top it all off, it's RAINING!!  ARRGGGGH!!   Well, here's what you do - - TALK TO THE HAND! (hahaha, I'm so clever - go ahead and chuckle, you know you want to.)  
It seems that even rivers have a sense of humor.  Or, it could just be welcoming to its shore.  Or, it could be telling me to stop right where I am and not come any further.  But, since it can't really talk, I can just make up whatever I want!  So there.
You, too, can make up whatever you want that "hand" to represent.  When you come up with something, share with me.  I'd like to know.
By the way, I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday.  Thanks for looking and maybe talking to the hand.  See you tomorrow. 

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