Monday, August 31, 2015

Peak-a-Boo Monday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Monday.  One day I was out and I began taking pictures of the huge, but beautiful stump.  Is it still called a "stump" if it's huge?  Anyway, it was then that I noticed this little lizard playing a game of Peak-a-Boo with me; and I liked it.  I guess some people would call it "photo bombing" but I like Peak-a-Boo better.  This little guy is just not sure if he wants to come out on Monday. I'm not always sure if I want to go out on Monday either.   But, like this little Peak-a-Boo-er, I do.  I make it out, I do the best I can and I make Monday a good day.  I'm sure you do, too.

Peak-a-Boo!  I hope you had a merry Monday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Screened In Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton 2015
Hello on Sunday.  So, I hated it, but today I had to do some heavy duty yard work and I was not looking forward to it.  When I stepped out onto the screened porch, what do you think I saw?  This guy - and another fine feathered friend semi trapped and somewhat panicky because, even though they found their way into the porch they couldn't find their way out.  So I found my camera and came back out.  The guy you're looking at found his way out pretty quickly after I came out.  (There are spaces above the scalloped area you see above the bird with room all across the porch for departure.)  Number two bird wasn't as smart. To help number two I opened both of the screen doors and just got out of his way for a couple minutes and out he went.

Just a little bit of distraction for me on a physically exhausting home work day helped me focus and power through.

I hope you had a great Sunday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Keep Trying Saturday

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Saturday.  This camel that I found at one of the Florida Zoos, is working hard to reach for those little tufts of grass.  Just a little farther and he has at least one.  He's being stopped by that post in his way, so he has to really give it all he's got to get that little bit of green.  Isn't that what life is about? We decide what we want and we go after it.  Along the way toward getting what we want, there are obstacles that are either just there because of life, or there are people who become obstacles in one way or another.  Whatever the obstacles we must overcome them.  Sometimes just that little extra effort and reach gets our goal.   Sometimes we have to try again and again.  Just a little farther.....   

What have you had to reach for a little farther than you wanted?  Did you get your goal?  I hope you had a sensational Saturday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.  

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Out on the Water

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello on Friday.  Friday is one of those days that is just always a good day.  Even if you have to work the weekend, Friday just has a certain happiness to it.  And if you have a boat, let's say like this one, and, it just happened to be Friday - well, I guess that would put a little more happiness into Friday.  I'm dreaming of taking that boat out right now and I just found myself smiling.  Imagine how the owner of that beauty feels.  

How do you feel on Friday?  Is it your happiest day of the week?  I hope at some point you have some lovely scenery like this to gaze upon.  Thank you for looking.  Thank you for sharing a moment of your Friday with me.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Tricking

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Thursday.  It's a topsy turvy Thursday.  I admit this is an old photo - but a goodie.  I caught this person about to go head first into the water at the U.S. National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC.  This photo was taken way back in 2006 when the Center opened.  The Center has flourished since then and now includes a zip line tour, a restaurant and many other activities for the outdoor enthusiast.  There are even concerts on Thursdays and Saturdays during the summer.  So, you could go head first into their concert series tonight instead on into the water.  Check them out at their website,

I hope your Thursday was anything buy topsy turvy and that you had a great day.  But if you like topsy turvy days, I hope you got your wish.  Anyway, thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Woodpecker Wednesday

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Wednesday.  We're all still "pecking" away at the week.  Just another couple of days and we're there.  This bird is called a Red Bellied Woodpecker.  I found this little guy in Cedar Key, Florida one year on vacation.  I've read that these guys travel as far north as southern Canada and as far west as Texas.  Whew.  That's a long way.  I guess it's a good thing they can fly!

I hope your Wednesday flew by.  I hope it was wonderful.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Window of Tuesday

Copyright AJ Horton
Copyright AJ Horton

Hello August 25th!  On top I have a window that I am lucky enough to see
every day I work.  Sometimes I like what I see - and I take a picture.   Some 
days I don't take a picture.  This window is in the hallway and leads to an
outdoor patio that I am not allowed to see.  I can only see silhouettes through
this small window,  The view changes hourly - sometimes the sun is so bright
that there are no silhouettes.  And sometimes, I like to play with the photo,
like today, and put color to the scene.  It doesn't have to be the same color
each time I change it.  I just like to dream in color - haha.

No matter the day of the week or the hour of the day,  I always enjoy 
seeing this window. I hope you had a terrific Tuesday, whether you had a 
wonderful window at work or not. I thank you for looking.  
See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Munchie

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello Monday.  There's a song sung by Mary Chapin Carpenter with a line, "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug," written by Mark Knopfler.  While I was at Cedar Creek Dam Access Area yesterday, I had help in noticing this lizard had captured a damselfly for its Sunday dinner.  I had been photographing the damselfly and turned around to look at something else and - WHAM!  The lizard got it.  I never even saw the lizard before this.  Since lizards don't always have to have legs, some ways to tell if they are a lizard versus a snake is if they have eyelids and external ears.  Lizards can actually smell!  They smell by sticking their tongues out and "tasting" the air.  I am not quite sure how that equates to "smelling", but you can find out more about lizards on if you're interested.

But now, it looks like the lizard is "the windshield" and the damselfly is "the bug".  I guess that's the circle of life.  It also looks as though the lizard may have bitten off more than it could chew, which is sometimes how I feel on Mondays.   I always start of with great hope that I can accomplish all that needs to be done on Monday and then, at some point in the day, I realize that I was wrong.  And, like that little damselfly, I get eaten up by Monday.  But, unlike that little damselfly, I do live to fight another day.

How was your Monday?  Were you the "windshield" - or the "bug"?  Were you the "munchie" or the "muncher"?  I hope your Monday was marvelous!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sun Day

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Sunday.  I have a  black vulture here for you today.  I photographed this sunning fellow at Cedar Creek Dam near Great Falls, South Carolina today.  This one looks like he wants a little sun, maybe he wants to dry his wings.  Well, it is Sun-Day, after all.  Why shouldn't he get a little sun?  Why shouldn't we all get a little sun?  Sun-Day is a great day!  You know, this guy could be asking for a hug.  He does look a little on the hug-able side.  But then, you remember, he's a vulture, and likes road kill, so..... NO to the hug.

I hope you had a great Sun-Day!  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Puffin Saturday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Saturday.  Today I have for you an Atlantic Puffin from the Asheboro Zoo.  He looks a little grainy because I photographed him through a wet and droplet scattered glass.  Atlantic Puffins are social creatures that live in colonies along the northern rocky coasts.  Wickipedia is a good resource for information.  Puffins have wings but they take them only so far on land.  In the water puffins dart along fast and furious.  They are awesome to watch and can make you dizzy as they are so fast they are hard to follow.  Check them out when you get a chance.  You'll enjoy what you see.

I hope you had a sensational Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Cuddling

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton  Do Not Use Without Written Permission

Hello Friday.  What's better on Friday evening than cuddling up with your best friend, your partner, your soul mate?  Well, these two can tell you - Nothing!  These are river otters at the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina.  These two are North American River Otters and are the only river otters found north of Mexico.  They are part of the weasel family and have been hunted to near extinction in about 20 states.  Thanks to people who love all of creation for helping to save these wonderful mammals the North American River Otters are making a comeback.

I hope you are having a ferocious Friday!  I hope you're getting some cuddling time with someone.   Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Seal Thursday with a Trick or Two...

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Happy Thursday.  So, after a short work day (finally), I decided to go to the zoo - the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina, to be exact.  This is an obviously very talented harbor seal.  He was still for most of the time as I was watching his partner swim.  But then, he looked at me and well, you see the rest!
I just couldn't let this be a one picture day.  I had too much to share.  I hope you don't mind.  Check out the fun facts about harbor seals at

 You know, though, that since I visited the zoo that there are more coming later this week.  I just love the zoo!  I had less than 2 hours there today, so not as many photos as I'd like.   But, I did make good use of my time in "North America",

I hope you had a thrilling Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's Only Wednesday, I'm Not Coming Out 'Til Friday.

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Wednesday.  I'll bet you can find the Canada Goose hiding behind the rocks.  She's checking me out because I am too close.  She is probably sitting on her nest protecting her unborn.  And her mate has been circling the little island where she sits to scare away others.  I'm not scared, though.  I have a long lens and don't need to get very close.  But this mommy is a cutie, so I'm sure her kids are equally lovely.

I hope you had a lovely Wednesday.  No, it's not Friday and although I don't really want to go out until it's Friday, I do like to eat and pay the bills, so, I guess I can't sit on my nest.  I must go to work.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday's Best Side

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Tuesday.  Today, I have a good looking river otter for your viewing pleasure.  This one lives as the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina, which, of course, is one of my favorite places.  And this little poser was happy to oblige my love for photography - and otters.   He thinks he was showing me his best side.  What do you think?  It is a pretty good side,  He didn't show me his other side.  Maybe next time, which, hopefully will be soon.

I think you "otter" had a Tuesday worth talking about.  Ha.  At least I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday's Magnificence

Copyright Aj Horton
Hello on Monday.   This is another sunset from an area near my home.  I actually used my sunglasses over the lens to get this look.  I wanted a photo of the sunset as I saw it through my sunglasses and, well, my camera didn't know that.  I think it turned out rather nicely if I do say so myself.  A good sunset is just so enjoyable that I hate to see the sun disappear.

I hope you had a magnificent Monday.  Thank you for looking.  Enjoy your sunset.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Purple Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello on Sunday.  Today I have for your perusal some very small purple flowers.  I believe these are wildflowers.  I tried to look up exactly what the name of this flower is, but, unfortunately, neither I nor my friend could find the answer.  Either you can't find "everything" on the internet or we're just not that good.  Well, maybe I'm not that good but my friend, she is that good.  And still, no idea what this beautiful little flower is called.  Well, since today is what it is, I will call it Sunday.  In the book world, "purple" stands for royalty, wealth and status.  It seems it means the same in Christianity.   Sounds good to me.  It is, after all, Sunday.

And speaking of Sunday, I hope you had a royal day.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I see you looking at me looking at you!

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton  Do not use without written consent

Hello on Saturday.  Today as we were riding around we happened upon what looked like a pond with cypress trees.  It seemed unusual for the area so we turned around and went back.  It turns out the place was called Page's Mill Pond and located in Dillon County, SC in the town on Lake View.  In 1782 a man named "Zarv" Ford and his son built a dam here that powered a grist mill and cotton gin and the area was called Ford's Mill.  It stayed in the family for 100 years until it was sold to a brother-in-law who "built a second mill house and opened a large general store".  You can find more information about this particular area by going to  They include a map of the area.  A day trip with kayaking and picnicking sounds nice to me! Try it out.  I think you may like it, and if you don't have time this weekend, it's probably going to be there another weekend.  It's been around since 1782 so, hopefully, it's not going anywhere.  My photo of the millpond is below.
Now, back to this goose.  Actually, I thought it was a goose - until I looked it up online.  It is actually a duck!  I have found out it is a Muscovy Duck which, according to Wikipedia, is native to Mexico, Central and South America.  So how did they make it all the way to South Carolina?  I haven't a clue.  I guess they like our warm southern hospitality.
I like the warm southern hospitality of the south as well.
I hope you had a warm, sunny Saturday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.  

Copyright AJ Horton  Do not use without written consent

Friday, August 14, 2015

Circling Friday

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Friday.  My little duck friend in the middle - we'll call him Friday - may be getting sleepy as the other two continue to circle him. Hahaha.    This photo was taken from our neighbors' dock one evening and these guys seemed friendly.  Maybe they were expecting food.  Maybe they just liked our good looks.  Whatever the reason, they gave us a good show and no one actually went to sleep.    Although, if they had stayed long enough and continued to mesmerize me with their circling, I might have nodded off.  But, soon they were off in search of a Friday adventure and we were grateful to them for sharing some time with us.

I hope you had a fulfilling Friday.  I hope that whatever adventure awaits you tonight is memorable,  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Flying by Thursday

Copyright AJ Horton
Happy Thursday.  Today I have a seagull for you.  There was a time I only saw seagulls at or near the beach.  This is not the case anymore.  This flighty bird was digitally captured in a parking lot far from the sea.  Apparently they will fly anywhere for food.  I can understand.  I work for food too.
And I have been known to travel far distances for the same.  I guess this bird and I are a lot alike; except that the only place I can actually fly is in my mind.

I hope you had an exceptional Thursday!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What?? Wednesday?? Seriously???

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Wednesday.  Wednesday?  Are you sure?  My cardinal friend here seems to be wondering why it's Wednesday.  He looks a little upset.  I want to say to him, "Don't fret, my friend, just a couple more days until the weekend".  And, "Don't worry, I will refill your food soon".  Hmmmm.  Now I wonder if he's more upset about needing more food than he is about it being Wednesday?  Nah, it's the Wednesday thing.  Ha

Speaking of Wednesday. I hope you had a wonderful one.  Don't worry, the weekend will be here soon.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday Falls

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello on Tuesday.  It's summertime, and it's hot!  And, when it's summertime, and hot, one's mind wanders to the cooler days of fall.  In the fall, we go to the mountains and go waterfall hunting.  This particular waterfall was near Asheville, North Carolina.  We're also a little cooler when we go waterfall hunting, although hiking to the falls does heat us up.  If you go waterfall hunting,  remember to wear comfortable shoes and carry water.  Oh, and also remember your camera!

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday's Respite

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Monday.  Today I thought I'd show you a respite spot we found along the Little River in North Carolina.  We put in at a spot directly off of Hwy 24/27.  It's a walk down a rocky and sometimes steep pathway to the put in, but, as you can see, it's worth it!  I saw so many lovely views during that kayaking adventure.  I have seen what I call "shelves" and "rest areas" before, however, this area is different,  This one has a beautiful gold color of the shelf surrounded by mud, grass, and maybe a couple of fallen trees adding to the ambiance of the scene.   On this Monday, I dream of being back here, enjoying the "rest area", the calm, and the beauty.

How about you?  Where would you like your place of respite to be?  Do you enjoy the outside, as I do, or is your respite from a place indoors?

I hope you had a mellow Monday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hay Sunday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

 Hello on Sunday.  Or, should I say Hay, Sunday!  I was driving home from a store today and saw this and, after going home and putting away my groceries, I drove back with my trusty camera and, well, you know the rest.  I put this photo in black and white because it reminds me when I was young and I thought times were simpler.  They probably weren't for the adults, but as a kid I felt that way.

Speaking of hay,  it is that time of year for a hay harvest.  According to, hay is "basically dried vegetation".  An acquaintance of mine says you can basically grow and harvest hay twice a year.  For farmers that depend on hay for their livestock, that can be crucial; for farmers that depend on hay for their livelihood, it can also be crucial - and profitable.

So, "hay" on Sunday.  I hope you had a superior Sunday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Serenity Saturday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello Saturday.  Today I have another photo from Stumpy Pond for you.  To me, it's just such a serene place and I love being there.  My head feels clearer and less jumbled;  I can think better; or I can not think at all.  I can just .... be.  And sometimes, sitting still and just absorbing the atmosphere is the best thing ever!

I hope you had a super Saturday.  Thank you for looking  See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Palm Friday

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Today I'm taking you to the palm trees of Florida.  No, I didn't take the picture today, but this sunny, funny palm tree scene is just what I need this Friday after a long work week.  One of those trees has broken out from the others and risen above.  There are a couple others that powered their way straight out, but this front one..... well, looks like it had to find a way out diagonally and then rise up toward the sun.  Now that's what I call overcoming obstacles!

Now, you have overcome the obstacle of the work week.  You've made it to Friday and now, you can rise up  toward the sun and enjoy the weekend.

I hope you had a fabulous Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday's Wet Shrub

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Thursday.  So I don't usually think as leaves from a shrub that I should have trimmed weeks ago photo worthy, but tonight, as I was taking pictures from my kitchen window after it had just finished raining of a cardinal eating at the bird feeder, my camera refocused on this piece - and I liked it!  So I took more pictures.  I liked several of them but this one won out.  I see droplets on all the leaves and there's one with a drop of water that's just about to fall off.  This photo is straight from the camera.  I thought about "enhancing" it with more saturation or some cropping, but I just couldn't do it.  I hope you enjoy it.

I hope you had a great Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday by the Fireplace

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Wednesday to all.  Today, I saw this old fireplace near the road in Townsend, GA.  The fireplace caught our eye, but then I noticed it - the rest of the outline of the house.  By the outline, this looks like it would be a very small house.  Today, there is a movement toward "Tiny" houses.  I wonder how many of us could actually live in a tiny house.  Yet this is how many people lived many years ago - before tv, before gaming, before big houses. My oh my, how much stuff I would have to get rid of in order to accomplish that!
Another thing I wonder about with this house is that fireplace.  It has a double opening and I wonder how one would arrange the inside walls to have two rooms with that fireplace since the openings are on a diagonal.  I've been staring at this photo for a few days and still can't figure it out.  Guess I'm just not that creative,  If you know how it could be done, please let me know.
I did take the original picture and put it in black and white with some vignetting to show how back in time I felt when I saw it.  Below you will see the original.  You decide which you like best.

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday's Texas Star

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Tuesday.  What I have for you today is a hibiscus,  This isn't just any hibiscus though,  It's also called a Swamp Hibiscus, Scarlet Rose Mallow, Scarlet Hibiscus and, my personal favorite, "Texas Star" Hibiscus.  Calling it the Texas Star Hibiscus is appropriately named since the inside looks like the Texas Star.  This is a perennial plant that likes sunlight and well drained soil. While this photo is pretty, these flowers are even prettier in person.  Check them out for yourself when you get the chance.

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Memory Monday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Monday to all.  Today I have the memory of kayaking the Edisto River in North, South Carolina, this past weekend,  North, South Carolina is a cute name.  One would think that it is a town in northern South Carolina.  It is not.  North is actually named after a man, John North, who, in 1892, along with a few others, donated land necessary to create the town.  The next year, John North became the town's first Mayor,  Because of a train stop, the town grew quickly,  Go to to see more of North's history.  One more notable piece of information about North - Eartha Kitt was born there.  Eartha Kitt, a famous entertainer, lived in North until she and her family moved to New York when Eartha was just 8 years.  Check out Eartha Kitt online, too, if you want.  She actually played Catwoman on the "60s TV show Batman and Robin for a while.

But back to North for kayaking..... this is the Edisto River.  The Edisto is 250 miles of undammed water that travels through 12 South Carolina Counties before it meets the Atlantic Ocean.  I haven't kayak all 250 miles, but there's still time.

I hope you had a memorable Monday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Almost Full Moon For Sunday

Moon Day

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Sunday to all.  This moon I found big and orange on Highway 501 on Saturday night.  I had to stop, get out and take pictures of course. To me, the moon looked closer to the traffic than I what shows up on the photo.  When that happens, it is actually an optical illusion and the actual reality shows up on camera.  I thought about splitting the image, taking part of the space out and make it appear how I viewed it last night, but then I thought, "nah, it's good like it is".   It, to me, looks like a panoramic shot.  And maybe I will, one day, split the picture up, take out all that black space between the moon and cars and put that big, orange moon closer to the cars,  I think that will be cool, too.

Another thing about how that moon looks to me - it looks like there's a face in it.  I see the eyes, the nose and and mouth,  Can you see it with me?  When I was younger, my mother pointed out that face to me, and to this day, at certain times, I see that face again.  And I smile and I think of those times with my mother.  (We'll talk about what we find/view in the clouds another time.  :)  )

I hope you had a sensational Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday Monkey Sleeping

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Saturday.  You know when you've worked so hard all week and sacrificed sleep to get everything done?  When that happens, what do you do on Saturday?  Well, seems like this monkey has the answer - - you SLEEP!  And, apparently, you could be so tired, you might even sleep sitting up.  Now, you're getting the rest you wish you'd gotten during the week.

But, then again, you may not be able to get extra sleep this Saturday.  You may have to put some work into your house, your yard or you may just have to work your job this weekend.  Bummer.  In that case, you may be a little jealous of my monkey friend.

Whatever you did today, I hope it was something you at least wanted to do for at least part of the day.

Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.