Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday by the Fireplace

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Wednesday to all.  Today, I saw this old fireplace near the road in Townsend, GA.  The fireplace caught our eye, but then I noticed it - the rest of the outline of the house.  By the outline, this looks like it would be a very small house.  Today, there is a movement toward "Tiny" houses.  I wonder how many of us could actually live in a tiny house.  Yet this is how many people lived many years ago - before tv, before gaming, before big houses. My oh my, how much stuff I would have to get rid of in order to accomplish that!
Another thing I wonder about with this house is that fireplace.  It has a double opening and I wonder how one would arrange the inside walls to have two rooms with that fireplace since the openings are on a diagonal.  I've been staring at this photo for a few days and still can't figure it out.  Guess I'm just not that creative,  If you know how it could be done, please let me know.
I did take the original picture and put it in black and white with some vignetting to show how back in time I felt when I saw it.  Below you will see the original.  You decide which you like best.

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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