Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sun Day

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Sunday.  I have a  black vulture here for you today.  I photographed this sunning fellow at Cedar Creek Dam near Great Falls, South Carolina today.  This one looks like he wants a little sun, maybe he wants to dry his wings.  Well, it is Sun-Day, after all.  Why shouldn't he get a little sun?  Why shouldn't we all get a little sun?  Sun-Day is a great day!  You know, this guy could be asking for a hug.  He does look a little on the hug-able side.  But then, you remember, he's a vulture, and likes road kill, so..... NO to the hug.

I hope you had a great Sun-Day!  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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