Sunday, August 30, 2015

Screened In Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton 2015
Hello on Sunday.  So, I hated it, but today I had to do some heavy duty yard work and I was not looking forward to it.  When I stepped out onto the screened porch, what do you think I saw?  This guy - and another fine feathered friend semi trapped and somewhat panicky because, even though they found their way into the porch they couldn't find their way out.  So I found my camera and came back out.  The guy you're looking at found his way out pretty quickly after I came out.  (There are spaces above the scalloped area you see above the bird with room all across the porch for departure.)  Number two bird wasn't as smart. To help number two I opened both of the screen doors and just got out of his way for a couple minutes and out he went.

Just a little bit of distraction for me on a physically exhausting home work day helped me focus and power through.

I hope you had a great Sunday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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