Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Munchie

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello Monday.  There's a song sung by Mary Chapin Carpenter with a line, "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug," written by Mark Knopfler.  While I was at Cedar Creek Dam Access Area yesterday, I had help in noticing this lizard had captured a damselfly for its Sunday dinner.  I had been photographing the damselfly and turned around to look at something else and - WHAM!  The lizard got it.  I never even saw the lizard before this.  Since lizards don't always have to have legs, some ways to tell if they are a lizard versus a snake is if they have eyelids and external ears.  Lizards can actually smell!  They smell by sticking their tongues out and "tasting" the air.  I am not quite sure how that equates to "smelling", but you can find out more about lizards on if you're interested.

But now, it looks like the lizard is "the windshield" and the damselfly is "the bug".  I guess that's the circle of life.  It also looks as though the lizard may have bitten off more than it could chew, which is sometimes how I feel on Mondays.   I always start of with great hope that I can accomplish all that needs to be done on Monday and then, at some point in the day, I realize that I was wrong.  And, like that little damselfly, I get eaten up by Monday.  But, unlike that little damselfly, I do live to fight another day.

How was your Monday?  Were you the "windshield" - or the "bug"?  Were you the "munchie" or the "muncher"?  I hope your Monday was marvelous!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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