Sunday, August 16, 2015

Purple Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello on Sunday.  Today I have for your perusal some very small purple flowers.  I believe these are wildflowers.  I tried to look up exactly what the name of this flower is, but, unfortunately, neither I nor my friend could find the answer.  Either you can't find "everything" on the internet or we're just not that good.  Well, maybe I'm not that good but my friend, she is that good.  And still, no idea what this beautiful little flower is called.  Well, since today is what it is, I will call it Sunday.  In the book world, "purple" stands for royalty, wealth and status.  It seems it means the same in Christianity.   Sounds good to me.  It is, after all, Sunday.

And speaking of Sunday, I hope you had a royal day.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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