Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's Only Wednesday, I'm Not Coming Out 'Til Friday.

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello on Wednesday.  I'll bet you can find the Canada Goose hiding behind the rocks.  She's checking me out because I am too close.  She is probably sitting on her nest protecting her unborn.  And her mate has been circling the little island where she sits to scare away others.  I'm not scared, though.  I have a long lens and don't need to get very close.  But this mommy is a cutie, so I'm sure her kids are equally lovely.

I hope you had a lovely Wednesday.  No, it's not Friday and although I don't really want to go out until it's Friday, I do like to eat and pay the bills, so, I guess I can't sit on my nest.  I must go to work.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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