Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Window of Tuesday

Copyright AJ Horton
Copyright AJ Horton

Hello August 25th!  On top I have a window that I am lucky enough to see
every day I work.  Sometimes I like what I see - and I take a picture.   Some 
days I don't take a picture.  This window is in the hallway and leads to an
outdoor patio that I am not allowed to see.  I can only see silhouettes through
this small window,  The view changes hourly - sometimes the sun is so bright
that there are no silhouettes.  And sometimes, I like to play with the photo,
like today, and put color to the scene.  It doesn't have to be the same color
each time I change it.  I just like to dream in color - haha.

No matter the day of the week or the hour of the day,  I always enjoy 
seeing this window. I hope you had a terrific Tuesday, whether you had a 
wonderful window at work or not. I thank you for looking.  
See you tomorrow.

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