Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday's at Troy Presbyterian Church 01-31-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  Today I bring to you the Troy Presbyterian Church in Troy, North Carolina.  It is on Main Street in Troy.  In 2014, this particular church changed their governing body from the PCUSA (Presbyterian Chuch United States of America) to the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church).  There's an article from The Montgomery Herald from August 14, 2014 that you can read as to why the church changed governing bodies at
Worship services are at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays at 202 Main Street, Troy, NC if you're interested.

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Flightless Saturday 01-30-16

Copyright 2015  AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Yesterday, I had a problem flying my drone.  Actually, I guess it wasn't so much about the flying so much as my not having control so the drone flew into a tree!  And, yes, it was about the flying, too.  Well, today I want to talk about not flying.  So I came upon a photograph of  the Ostrich that I saw at the Asheboro Zoo in Asheboro, North Carolina.  The ostrich is a big "bird", it has feathers, but it doesn't fly.  Why, I think, does the ostrich have feathers when it doesn't or can't fly?

I went to the Internet and found that studies have shown feathers actually evolved on animals before even birds flew.  Apparently feathers are useful for insulation, camouflage, courtship and as a water repellent.  Also, in the case of the ostrich, feathers are also used as stabilization when running.  It seems that ostriches can run very fast, about 43 miles an hour when sprinting and about 30 miles per hour for a sustained period and the feathers help with stability and balance.  After all, who would want to fall while running 30 - 40 miles an hour?

Plus, the ostrich is the largest bird, usually weighing between 130-145 pounds, but can weigh up to 350 pounds.   They also live a long time - up to 75 years!  They may not be able to fly but they will fight by kicking and not even a lion will mess with a healthy, mature ostrich.   Ostriches grow to about 8 or 9 feet tall.  All the websites I researched said that ostriches do NOT put their heads in the sand!  Ostriches are very interesting, flightless, birds.  Ostriches are also very funny looking - personal observation.

I hope you had a sensationally flightless Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

P.S.  I used the websites,  and for today's info.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday's Flying and Firemen 01-29-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Today is story time.  Today's story is about a person who bought a drone, took it to a large, treeless field, and managed to get said drone stuck in a tree.  Later, that drone was finally rescued by the neighborhood fire department.   That's right, folks.  This is a true story!  

I have wanted a drone for some time,  Recently, I worked a lot of overtime and had a little extra money so I went on the web and bought one for less than 100.00 dollars.  How happy I was.  The little booger came and the excitement was great.  I tried flying it in the house but got fussed at and just couldn't get the controls right.  I have 10 foot ceilings and it would just go to the top and ride the ceiling - or it would crash into the blinds or the furniture.  It was funny, of course, just not controlled.

So, I had the bright idea this a.m. to take it to our local park/ball fields beside the fire department less than a mile from my house.  There is a lot of room inside the fences and trees are outside the fences near the parking lot and play ground.  No problem, I thought.  I could learn to fly like a pro out there.  There was a small wind when I got there but the instructions said the drone would be stable.  I just didn't have a lot of time because I had errands to run and lunch plans.    But that was ok.  I felt like I had about 20-30 minutes.

I bought several extra batteries with the craft and they were all charged.   At first I did just barely better than I had inside the house, but I had to retrieve the drone more than a few times.  I don't know why but it would take off straight up very high and then fly over a tall fence into the next ball field.  Since I couldn't get it to obey me, I would have to go around the fence to bring it back.  This process repeated on more than one occasion and used more than one battery.  Finally, though, just as I began to get the hang of it, it was time to go.  "Just a little more", I thought.  "One more battery (they only last five minutes anyway) and I'll have plenty of time to run my errands and then meet everyone for lunch".  Well, I should have left well enough alone because those thoughts turned out to be the kiss of death!

Once I put the new battery in place, turned it on and had that drone lift off the ground, something surreal happened.  This drone was possessed, I tell you.  It went straight up, way up behind me and went straight for the trees along the parking lot near the playground.  I was screaming at it, "NOOOOOO, NOOOOOO, STOP.  GET DOWN."  I was pushing buttons on the controller trying to get it to stop, to fall, anything to keep it from going over the fence toward the trees.  I think I even heard it laughing at me as it flew off (or maybe that was just in my head). 

Still, it wouldn't listen, wouldn't follow commands, and now it was stuck in the tree.  Oh dear.  And me with errands to run and lunch plans and now, not much time to spare.  Using the remote, and hoping the wind would help, I tried to get it to break free from the tree several times with no luck.  So, I went home, got a ladder and rake (to reach the limbs), but both of them together were too short to reach my drone.  I considered that I may have to climb that tree like a monkey and shake that branch, but the fear of falling and breaking something on my body stopped me.

Now, there was no time for errands.  I had to take the ladder and rake back home and change my clothes for lunch.  I would figure this out later.

After a nice lunch, I went back home, got a longer ladder and much longer pole and headed back to rescue my drone.  As I was trying to set up my ladder (knowing it was too short and hoping the pole would reach), a lady came by and asked if I needed any help.  At first I was going to say no, but then, she asked, so yes, I needed all the help I could get.  Maybe she could brace the ladder for me.  She said the drone was too high and that I would fall.  I thought she was being negative, but instead, she felt she was being quite positive about that.  Lucky for me, though, the fire department is located beside the park, she knew some of them and went to ask them to help.

Well, what do you know - the firemen came over, looked at the situation, got on the walkie talkie and told someone to bring the ladder truck.  Five to ten minutes later, my drone was rescued!  It was just that easy - - for them.  Those guys were so awesome.  They didn't laugh at me at all - at least not to my face.  We even took pictures.  I'm very glad they were able and willing to help.  Fire fighters are there for fighting fires, and for getting kittens, kites, and now drones, out of trees. 

I'm going back to the park tomorrow to practice flying my new drone again.  Wish me luck.  And the next time you see a fireman, give him a hug for me please.

I hope you had a wonderful Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday's Seal of Approval 01-28-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Today I have for you Thursday's Seal of Approval!  The snow is gone from my part of the south, the sun is out, the temperture is warmer and there's just nothing like smelling the fresh air.  I took this photo last March, but when I saw him in my file he represents how I feel about today.

I hope you had a great Thursday and approved of and enjoyed your weather today.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Headless Wednesday 01-27-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  I hope you didn't lose your head today like the Great Blue Heron did!  Some days are like that though,  But we made it through and are on the downhill slide to Friday.  We just have to get through Thursday first.  We can do it.  I have faith.

I hope you did have a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  Keep your head!  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mini Vaca Tuesday 01-26-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Let's take a short board walk to the beach, walk in the sand, play in the surf and build sand castles.  Yeah, I wish.  But one day I did, and I took pictures, and when I want to reminisce I look at the photos I took both with my camera and in my mind and I smile.  Sometimes, taking a few minutes to sit back, relax, and remember a good place, a good day, a good friend or loved one helps to carry us through the day.  It's important.

It's also important to work, to have a purpose.  I like the work that I do and I hope you do as well.  Work can be satisfying and rewarding.  Many times we form life long friendships from work.  Other times work is frustrating, maddening, long and hard.  That's why we need vacations - so we can have all the fun we can stand for a while until we have to go back to work.  That's also why, when we can't take a vacation, we must take little breaks from work - even if just for a few minutes - to relax and think of something else, something soothing, maybe something fun!

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tangled Up In Monday 01-25-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.   I hope you had a good weekend.  My little friend here seems to be all tied up in the limbs.  Mondays are like that for me.  I get all tied up in several things at once and have to "untangle" from those things.   I just have to find a way to turn all those problems into opportunities.  I'm sure the Great Blue Heron sees them as opportunities too.  ;)

I hope you were able to turn all of your tangles into opportunities today and had a marvelous Monday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday's Church 01-24-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  We're going back to church this Sunday, this time in Candor, North Carolina.  The church you see is the Macedonia Presbyterian Church on the Troy-Candor Road.
Once again I could find no information about this church with a search of the internet.  I guess from now on I will have to plan ahead and telephone the church leader and get information.  Wish me luck.

What I did find, maybe, is that Macedonia is/was a country to the north of Greece.  I say maybe because it seems there's a lot of debate going on as to whether or not Macedonia was considered a part of Greece during Biblical times.  Macedonia is the first place in Europe where Paul preached the Gospel.  According to the Book of Acts, Paul went to Macedonia because he had a vision of a man from there asking for help.

As for the formation of the Presbyterian Church, a 16th Century Reformer named John Calvin was instrumental.  His theology went mostly along the lines of Martin Luther, but differed in that Calvin believed in predestination and eternal security.

Whatever you believe, I hope you had a most sensational Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday's Snow Tale 01-23-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Have you ever thought about living in a tree house or one of the tiny houses people are so fond of lately?  I have and, while they are worth a thought, I'm going to have to say no to both.  The tree house would have two many stairs for me - although it would have a good view and I suppose I could put in some kind of lift system - still, no.  The tiny house is just too small for us and all our stuff and our four legged family members.  I do want a little more room.

But then again, when it's snowing and so cold outside, those small spaces would be easier and less expensive to heat.  And who needs that much "stuff" anyway?  Although I do still want all of my four legged family members.

It's just that new snow and ice tends to make everything look more clean, interesting and inviting.  It's rare that we get snow in the South and, even though I'm glad of that, I'm equally glad that we do get it occasionally.  I do enjoy watching the snow fall.  I am reminded of the times we made "snow cream".  Now, since I'm "all grown up", there's a certain nostalgia that goes along with the snow and the times I had as a kid and then again when my son was growing up.  Since there were only a few times a year when we could have those experiences, somehow they were more memorable.

I hope you're having a memorable Saturday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Fly By At Sunset 01-22-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Today, here in my part of the South, we had a little bit of snow and a lot of ice.  The day was gray and, although I did take some photographs, I didn't get one that I really liked, so, I looked back to last week at the beach.  The beach at anytime is a great place to be, but a mostly secluded beach with seagulls flying into the clouds at sunset is even better!

Nowadays, when I find myself out at sunset, I think of the quote "I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in" by John Muir.  John Muir was a writer, naturalist and philosopher (among other things) who lived from 1838 to 1914.  John Muir founded an environmental organization, The Sierra Club in 1892.  The Sierra Club is still going strong today with more than 2 million members and has contributed to the passing of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act.  If you Google John Muir and/or Sierra Club you can learn so much more than I can give here.  You may even want to join the Sierra Club!

In the meantime, I hope you had a wonderful Friday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday Through The Trees 01-21-16

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Looks like things are looking up today!  Sometimes it helps to lie on the ground and look up to gain a new perspective.  We live in a large world, a huge universe and we are but one small, very tiny part.  And once in a while we might think, "Does anything I do or say really matter?", or, "I am so small compared to the universe, am I of any significance?"  Well, I believe the answer to both those questions is yes - we all matter!   Every tree, every leaf, every animal, every insect, every person matters.  Each one of us makes an impact in someone's life each and every day; it may even be more than one person's life; it may be an animal's life or even a difference in the environment.

The tricky part of this "significance" thing is, will we have a bad impact or a good impact?  We make the choice, good or bad, many times a day - do we  carelessly throw trash on the ground or are we the one that picks up the trash to throw in a receptacle?  Are we polite and kind to others or are we rude and angry?  Oh, the choices we must make minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day!

Everyone, everything matters.  We are all significant.  We just have to choose which kind of significance we'll be.  Lie down on the ground sometime, look up through the trees and feel the energy of the universe and know that you matter.

I hope you had a great Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Three for Wednesday 01-20-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  Wednesday - the third day of the work week, is a good time to think of three.  Three is a good number.  And, lookee here - three Great Blue Heron kids!  Yep.  Three is a very good number indeed.  

I hope you had a very good day on the third work day of the week.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Treasure Island Tuesday 01-19-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Have you ever thought of Tuesday as an island?  I did today.  Think about it - it follows Monday and that's good, but you've still just started the week and it's not Wednesday.  No one ever says, "Yay, it's Tuesday", like they do Friday. They don't say "Oooh, it's Hump Day", like on Wednesday.  They don't say, "We're almost there", like they do on Thursday.  They don't even say, "Doggone it, it's Monday!".  And obviously there's nothing like "Woohoo, it's the weekend". No, Tuesday is its own little island. 

You'd expect a nondescript day like Tuesday to have no real value.  Maybe it's all in how you look at it - Tuesday might just have a few "treasures".  Take this little island, for instance.  It doesn't look like much, it's not very big, but it has value.  There are bushes that hide Canada Geese hatching their young; there are tree trunks for birds to perch; and there is a nest for Great Blue Herons to raise their young.  So maybe Tuesday does stand by itself, but it does have value.  Remember, you have to pass through Tuesday to get to Wednesday.  (smile)  So Tuesday, all by itself, becomes a treasure.

I hope you enjoyed your treasure of Tuesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Pushing Through Monday 01-18-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  You know, Mondays are usually hard days.  We are coming back from having at least two days off and on those days we are able to do what we want to do, even if that means working around the house some or playing with the kids or friends or whatever.  On the weekends we make our own schedule and do our chores on our own timeline.  When we come back to work on Monday (unless we work for ourselves), we are someone else's  timeline and we must conform and do things in the timeline that they want and it's tough on us.

Then, just when we don't have anything left in us and we're about to drop from the work, we realize we have just a little more left in us.  Just like the photo above, when we think it's just all above the ground roots and soil, something happens; there's a little more "ooomph" left and, just like the plants above, we find the strength to push through , carry on and finish the day in style.

I hope you had a marvelous Monday. Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Take Me to Church on Sunday 01-17-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  Welcome to First United Methodist Church in Mt. Gilead, NC.  It is located on the corners of Main and Allenton Streets.  As far as the history of this church, I would like to share that with you but, I could find nothing on the internet.  It looks like it has been there a long time and every time I drive by this great looking church, I smile.  It just makes me feel good.  I don't know why but it also makes me feel loved.  I think that's a lot of how we're supposed to feel in life - smiling because we feel good, are good and because we love and are loved.  On Sundays maybe we just get a little more of those feelings because of the churches we attend and the people who surround us.

I hope you have a sensational Sunday whether or not you attend church.   Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday's Beachy Sunset 01-16-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  I hope you enjoy sunsets.  I know I do.  We took a drive to Myrtle Beach today after working around the house. We arrived later than we wanted, but early enough to capture some lovely sunset photos.  This has been a great day for me.  Almost all my Saturdays are great days, surrounded by family, friends, and today, the beach!

I hope you had a super Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 15, 2016

I Heart Friday! 01-15-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  There seems to be love in all things.  This tree root is showing its love with a heart that is filled with the goodness of green on a winter's day.  It's overflowing, actually, just like our own hearts should be with love towards one another, this great Earth, Universe, and for all our many blessings.

I hope you had a love filled Friday.  I wish you much love and many blessings and the ability to know when you have them, to be grateful and kind.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday's Ready To Land on Friday 01-14-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  My new friend - let's call him "Thursday" - is simulating coming in for a landing on Friday!    We are almost there.  I was fortunate enough to have today off work so I took a drive to Lake Tillery Dam near Mt. Gilead, NC.  It was only a little cold outside (around 45 degrees Fahrenheit), but it was much warmer in my heart as I saw all the Cormorants, Great Blue Herons and the ubiquitous Seagulls - especially my friend Thursday.  I was more than happy to get out my camera.  Such a great and enjoyable Thursday!

I hope you are having an equally enjoyable Thursday knowing you will soon land on Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Heron for Wednesday 01-13-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  It's time to go back to the water and visit with the Herons.  Well, one Heron anyway.   He added a little color to an otherwise drab scene.  I was one lucky gal to catch him on camera so closely from my kayak.  Usually he would have flown away with me this close. 

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thanks for Heron watching with me.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday's World of the Web 01-12-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Welcome to the web.  Long before the world wide web we were intrigued with these.  Spiders make webs with silk they produce from their spinneret glands.  Some spiders have only one pair of such glands, others have three or four pairs of spinneret glands.  Each gland produces a different kind of silk for different web designs and strength.  After web building, the spider sits in the middle and waits for the right vibrations of prey.  Not all spiders use their webs to catch prey though.  Those spiders hunt and use their webs for something else.  Maybe they just like a pretty place to sleep.  I don't know but it's all very interesting to me.  I do not like to see a spider near me, or in my house, or whenever I walk into a web by accident - that really freaks me out, especially because I don't know where the spider is and I will scream like a little girl! 

I do like knowing how a little spider can spin such a big, beautiful web.  I like seeing the morning dew or raindrops on the strands of a web.  I like watching a spider build the web.  If you would like to learn more about the wonderful ways of the spider just check out the website:  

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2016

It's only Monday 01-11-16

Copyright 2015  AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  My friend here would prefer me to say, "Hello and No Monday".  But Monday is still here anyway.  We just all have to make the best of it.  After all, if there were no Mondays, which day would we pick to dread after the weekend?  Some one's got to be the bad guy, right?

I hope you had a good Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Sun 01-10-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  "Peek-A-Boo", says the sun.  I say, "Whooooooohoooooo.  Sunday with the sun.  Come on out and play!"  And so, the sun made a much wanted appearance today to brighten everyone's mood.  This is a "church" to me.  Being in nature is the closest I can get to God as I see things.

I have a quote that may help.  Roy Rolfe Gilson says, "Keep your faith in all beautiful things.  In the sun when it is hidden.  In the spring when it is gone."  Roy Rolfe Gilson was an author whose works include In the Morning Glow and Miss Primrose.  He lived from 1875 to 1933.  Sometimes I find it comforting that people believed the same as I and lived so long ago.  Have faith.  Believe.  Love nature. 

I hope you had a wonderfully sunny Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Saturday in the Fog 01-09-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Except for walking my dogs and doing minimal chores outside, I stayed in the house today.  As you can see, it was pretty much misty and foggy all day.  Even though it was a gray and misty, foggy day, there was a little bit of color - just a little bit.

I hope you had a little bit of color in your day, too.  I also hope you had a great Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday's Field of Dreams 01-08-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  We made it - Friday came, we made it through, and now we can play in our own little "field of dreams"!  We can imagine running and frolicking and climbing the trees and lying on the ground looking up and seeing animals and other objects displayed in the clouds.  Oh what fun we will have.  Won't you join me?  Or, do you have other plans for Friday?  Whatever you do, please enjoy yourself.  You've earned it.

I hope you had a fabulous Friday.  Remember to dream.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Heron Thursday 01-07-16

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Are you looking for Friday?  I think my heron is as well.  Ooooh, I think he sees it.  Meanwhile, Thursday is a really good day -we're over the Hump Day and ready to fly into Friday - so we "fly" happily through the day.   Hooray!

I hope you had a wonderful "fly-by" Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wet and Wild Wednesday 01-06-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."  George Washington Carver.  My feelings exactly!  George Washington Carver was an American botanist and inventor born into slavery sometime in the early to mid 1860s (exact time unknown).  Check out more about him and his accomplishments at the website

It's Wednesday and many people attend a church on Wednesday nights.  Nature is my favorite church and I attend regularly.  To understand why, just re-read the quote above and know that I enjoy tuning in.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday Wild Life 01-05-16

Copyright 20016 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Tuesday.  Today I have my portrait of  one of the Muscovy Ducks that I enjoyed photographing the other day.  I hope this recent cold weather hasn't sent him packing more south.  I have another quote from my coloring book that fits this guy and it goes, "Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals 'love' them.  But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more."  (Edwin Way Teale)  

Edwin Way Teale was an American naturalist, photographer and Pulitzer Prize winning writer.  He sounds like my kind of person. 

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Maybe you were lucky enough to enjoy viewing wildlife.  That would have been so cool.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday's Solitude 01-04-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  How about taking a seat on the bench today, get your feet wet and enjoy the "smoke" on the water.  Solitude.  Solitude is what's needed on Monday.  Almost everywhere, Mondays are really busy days.  What if you could get a little peace and quiet on Monday?  What would you do?  Where would you go?  Would you really go put your feet in water and sit on a bench and watch the fog roll over the water while the sun rises?  I would.

I hope you had a great Monday and managed to sneak in a little solitude.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Steeple 01-03-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Sunday.  This year, on Sundays, I think I will bring you a church - or at least a part of one.  This country has no shortages of churches so I think I can come up with 52 of them.  While there is only one God, there are many different ways to worship - and I hope I can show many of the different types of buildings used for that purpose.  Maybe I can give a little history about the particular church and we can all learn something.  Religion is a very personal choice - we choose what we want to believe and join others who feel the same.  I want you to know that I feel that everyone is entitled to worship the way they want and I make no judgements as long as there is love felt and given.  My God is a loving God and I won't show churches that I learn are spreading hate toward others.  

With that being said, the steeple you see above comes from a church of love.  This is Camp Creek United Methodist Church in Lancaster, SC.  This church was founded in 1798 by Bishop Francis Asbury.  Please read more about the history of this church at

My maternal grandparents went to this church; then my mother; then she brought in my father and, of course their three children.  This is where I learned the love of God from people other than my parents.  I grew up coming here almost every Sunday, I learned all the books of the Bible, how to pronounce difficult words and names (and there are many), and how there are different opinions, different ways of interpreting the same Bible verse(s), and how each interpretation may be right.  I learned that thinking and asking questions is OK!  People here weren't all "my way or the highway", but encouraging and loving.  The people here really make this church a welcoming and loving place.

It was truly a great Church for me to grow from child to adult.  One of my sisters and her two sons still attend.  It's still the place I go sometimes.  Feel free to check them out.

I hope you are having a great Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Natural Floating Dock Saturday 01-02-15

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  I bought a coloring book yesterday.  It is called "Life on Earth, Relaxing Art Therapy For Adults".  I didn't buy it because I want to color.  I bought it because every other page has a wonderful quotation that matches how I feel.  For instance, the quotation I want to use today is from an unknown author that says, "The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man".

What you see here is what I call a natural floating dock.  When we were paddling to it, we thought it was a piece of land, but when we arrived we found that it was just an intricate mingling of vine grasses that held our kayaks in place while we fished, photographed and ate.  It was wonderful and moved only slightly left or right with the current.  We were on Cox Lake in Mullins, SC.  Cox Lake is fed by the Little Pee Dee River which has swollen more than 2 feet in the last 10 days due to many heavy rains.   We stayed on Cox Lake instead of taking our usual water pathway to the Little Pee Dee River due to those heavy rains and the increase in water levels.

It was a great day for a paddle.  I hope you had a great Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year Friday 1-1-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Also, Happy New Year!!  I knew that today, on the first day of the year, that my blog had to have something to do with kayaks, water and wildlife.  Well, I must be living right!  I wanted to go kayaking today but it started getting late and colder, so we had to scrap that idea.  As I was wandering around the yard, I saw these Muscovy Ducks making an entrance near my kayaks.  Yay.  Now I had everything I wanted to include in my first photo of the year.  Now only 364 days to go.  

This is the first day I had ever seen Muscovy Ducks in my yard or in my neighborhood.  Usually I see Canada Geese, so this was indeed a welcome surprise.  My front yard is somewhat smaller today thanks to many recent, heavy rains so that, once these guys stepped out of the water, they were close to my kayaks and me.  In fact, before they left the yard, they came less than three feet away from me.  The New Year has been very good to me so far.

I hope you've had a great New Year's Day.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.