Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday Wild Life 01-05-16

Copyright 20016 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Tuesday.  Today I have my portrait of  one of the Muscovy Ducks that I enjoyed photographing the other day.  I hope this recent cold weather hasn't sent him packing more south.  I have another quote from my coloring book that fits this guy and it goes, "Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals 'love' them.  But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more."  (Edwin Way Teale)  

Edwin Way Teale was an American naturalist, photographer and Pulitzer Prize winning writer.  He sounds like my kind of person. 

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  Maybe you were lucky enough to enjoy viewing wildlife.  That would have been so cool.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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