Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday Through The Trees 01-21-16

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Looks like things are looking up today!  Sometimes it helps to lie on the ground and look up to gain a new perspective.  We live in a large world, a huge universe and we are but one small, very tiny part.  And once in a while we might think, "Does anything I do or say really matter?", or, "I am so small compared to the universe, am I of any significance?"  Well, I believe the answer to both those questions is yes - we all matter!   Every tree, every leaf, every animal, every insect, every person matters.  Each one of us makes an impact in someone's life each and every day; it may even be more than one person's life; it may be an animal's life or even a difference in the environment.

The tricky part of this "significance" thing is, will we have a bad impact or a good impact?  We make the choice, good or bad, many times a day - do we  carelessly throw trash on the ground or are we the one that picks up the trash to throw in a receptacle?  Are we polite and kind to others or are we rude and angry?  Oh, the choices we must make minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day!

Everyone, everything matters.  We are all significant.  We just have to choose which kind of significance we'll be.  Lie down on the ground sometime, look up through the trees and feel the energy of the universe and know that you matter.

I hope you had a great Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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