Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year Friday 1-1-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Also, Happy New Year!!  I knew that today, on the first day of the year, that my blog had to have something to do with kayaks, water and wildlife.  Well, I must be living right!  I wanted to go kayaking today but it started getting late and colder, so we had to scrap that idea.  As I was wandering around the yard, I saw these Muscovy Ducks making an entrance near my kayaks.  Yay.  Now I had everything I wanted to include in my first photo of the year.  Now only 364 days to go.  

This is the first day I had ever seen Muscovy Ducks in my yard or in my neighborhood.  Usually I see Canada Geese, so this was indeed a welcome surprise.  My front yard is somewhat smaller today thanks to many recent, heavy rains so that, once these guys stepped out of the water, they were close to my kayaks and me.  In fact, before they left the yard, they came less than three feet away from me.  The New Year has been very good to me so far.

I hope you've had a great New Year's Day.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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