Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Treasure Island Tuesday 01-19-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Have you ever thought of Tuesday as an island?  I did today.  Think about it - it follows Monday and that's good, but you've still just started the week and it's not Wednesday.  No one ever says, "Yay, it's Tuesday", like they do Friday. They don't say "Oooh, it's Hump Day", like on Wednesday.  They don't say, "We're almost there", like they do on Thursday.  They don't even say, "Doggone it, it's Monday!".  And obviously there's nothing like "Woohoo, it's the weekend". No, Tuesday is its own little island. 

You'd expect a nondescript day like Tuesday to have no real value.  Maybe it's all in how you look at it - Tuesday might just have a few "treasures".  Take this little island, for instance.  It doesn't look like much, it's not very big, but it has value.  There are bushes that hide Canada Geese hatching their young; there are tree trunks for birds to perch; and there is a nest for Great Blue Herons to raise their young.  So maybe Tuesday does stand by itself, but it does have value.  Remember, you have to pass through Tuesday to get to Wednesday.  (smile)  So Tuesday, all by itself, becomes a treasure.

I hope you enjoyed your treasure of Tuesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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