Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve Fire 12-31-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Tonight is New Year's Eve and marks the year of my blog.  I thought I'd end the year the same way I started - with fire.  The difference this time is that the almost full moon is included.  You know, I feel I have a fire in me with regards to photography.  I wonder if I can continue to do APED for another year.  Some days this year it has been very hard to steal/find the time needed just to decide on a photo. then many times research whatever or wherever I've photographed and then try to form just the right wording to hopefully help you get engaged.  My hope is that with a little knowledge you'll want to come back the next day.  I do admit there have been a few times when I just find what I think is a great photo and just don't want to work anymore (many days I work more than 12 hours), and just put it out there and, hopefully, you enjoy the scenery.

Either way, I hope you have enjoyed taking this year long journey with me.  I believe I will continue this path and I hope you will join me.  Who knows, maybe I will continue to grow as a photographer and as a writer.  That is what I expect of myself, for life is continually a learning and growing experience.  When I was in college my professors told me that I must learn something new every day.  I believe that is true and I look forward to the new year's adventure of learning and sharing.

I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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