Saturday, December 12, 2015

Fading Winter Rose Saturday 12-12-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  It's still warm here in the south and it's still the middle of December.  I am finding that some flowers are still blooming as well - some, like the camellia, should bloom now - others, like roses, usually don't bloom this time of year.  This one, however, is a winter rose, and, from what I've researched on the web, may be one that goes as far back as 29 BC, in a town called Paestum in Greece.    The poet, Virgil,  even referred to these flowers' beauty.  You can read a little more about this wonderful winter rose at  I have learned so much this year while doing this blog.  It's so amazing to find a rose in my neighborhood that could date back to 29 BC!!

I hope you had a beautiful and amazing Saturday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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