Thursday, December 10, 2015

Winter Rose Thursday 12-10-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  As I was walking my dogs this morning I happened by a rose bush that, in most other Decembers, would not be blooming,   Yet, here it is, one single bloom on the entire bush.  You know I feel very fortunate to see this.  I, of course, come back later without the dogs and snapped away.  This morning, when I was unable to snap the photo, it was just a little bud.  Now, this afternoon sans dogs, it has blossomed into this beautiful flower.  In this day and time when there's so much "stuff" going on in the world distracting us from the wonder of this great earth, it's good to know that, once in a while, when we least expect it, something pops up and says, "hey, look at me, smile and enjoy."

Please take a moment to enjoy the beauty that you find in nature today.  It's worth the look.  After all, we have to recognize and enjoy our blessings whenever possible.

I hope you had a terrific Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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