Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saturday's Gift of Rose 12-26-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Today is an easy day.  I didn't have anywhere I had to go or anything I had to do - except a little cleaning, cooking and walking the dogs (the usual).  Sometimes, when you're doing "the usual" something unusual happens - like seeing this beautiful rose.  It was during the morning walk with the pups and at the end of the street that this was seen.  Recent heavy rains, and a thunderstorm, have kept us from walking this far for the last few days.  This morning was very foggy and humid, but not raining so we took our usual long walk and this was our reward!  I love presents and I made this photo as a gift.  Now, I guess one could say that I am "re-gifting" to you.
I believe a rose it like life - it is beautiful, and there are thorns/obstacles/storms that we must encounter, endure and overcome in order to fully appreciate that beauty.

I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday and that you have found some unusual "gift" to appreciate.   Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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