Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tree Tuesday 12-22-15

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello and happy Tuesday.  I have for your viewing pleasure today a tree - and not just any tree - for this tree is along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.  I have taken pictures of this tree for many years.  When I compare it to the other photos I have of it, this time I captured some of the fog about to overcome the tree.  I love trees.  And I love how this tree continues to "hang in there" (so to speak), even though it's leaning over the edge. 

I must quote the poem by Joyce Kilmer every time I see this and other magnificent trees:

"I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree..."

...A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day. And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree who may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately loves with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree." ~ Joyce Kilmer
What true words!  I feel the same way when I photograph nature.  I know there's a higher power at work.
I appreciate that power and look forward to every adventure.
I hope you had an amazing Tuesday.  thank you for looking.  see you tomorrow.

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