Friday, December 25, 2015

Above The Clouds on Christmas! 12-25-15

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Merry Christmas!!  Sometimes I wonder how God views the Earth.  Does God sit above the clouds and look down with super zoom vision to see every nook and cranny and every person walking above?  When God isn't using super zoom vision and sees something like this photo I took from a plane, is there a thought such as, "How beautiful the creation appears"?

As I see this photo, I do think how beautiful the sky, the clouds and the ground look from above.  And I wonder how, if everything looks so lovely, how can it ever be bad?  Yes, sometimes looks are deceiving, people are deceiving and things are not always well. Today I am really missing my mother, who went above the clouds to be with God earlier this year.  While the emotional pain is almost unbearable at times, I am so grateful that I had her in my life, that I was blessed to have her for my mother and that she will always be with me in spirit.

But today, today is Christmas.  Today is a time for joy, for family, for fellowship, for gratitude, for Jesus.  For me, today is peace, love, forgiveness.  Today ALL is well, just as I perceive it to be in this photograph.  When I look at this scene I think of a song called "From a Distance", sung by Bette Midler.  Look it up on and listen to it if you care to and you'll hear the beauty that I see here.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.  Be kind to each other.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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