Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday's Spider Web 12-13-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  They say that Sunday is for visiting and I'll bet the spider that owns this web is looking for some visitors later today.  It's early morning at the time of this photo and the web is covered in water droplets, so it's not quite the right time to visit - they might just slide right off.  Ha!  Maybe the spider slid off, too.  Or maybe went out for breakfast.  Maybe I should check under my feet.  Hmmm.  You never know;  it is Sunday, after all.  Whatever the story, he or she makes a pretty web.

I hope you has a great Sunday.  The next time you see a spider web, if you're not too freaked out, take a moment to see the loveliness.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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