Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday's Rose

Copyright AJ Horton

Wednesday, lucky Wednesday.  You made it through half the week, only two more days to go.  According to Wikipedia, there was a group of people in 1942-43 called the White Rose.  They were a group of students from the University of Munich, who, along with their philosophy professor, called for the active opposition of Adolf Hitler's regime.  The six most recognized students of this non-violent, intellectual resistance group were arrested by the Gestapo, tried for treason and beheaded in 1943.   They are now honored in Germany.  Whoa!  Didn't expect that when you saw a picture of a white rose on my blog, did you?  I didn't either.  I was just looking up the meaning of the white rose and found the Wikipedia article first.  Interesting.

Another check of the Internet for the white rose did find what I was looking for.... that the white rose stands for "marriage, spirituality and new starts".  (from the website)  White roses stand for purity and ceremony.  And, for me, love.  Always love.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thanks for looking.  Go show someone your love.  See you tomorrow.

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