Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday's Sunset Through the Storm

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Monday to you all!  I'm thinking that, after a long day at work, I just might swing my way into the sunset, never minding the storm clouds overhead.  Everyone needs a little fun in their day, right?  Even if it's after a storm or even if there are storm clouds looming.  

What's your fun at the end of a long, hard day?  Is it swinging, is it music, dancing, being with friends?  Go ahead, make it happen.  You deserve it.   Just remember, when you've had a long, hard day - and maybe you're even exhausted and you just don't know how you can do even one more thing - remember to put a little fun in your day.  You don't even have to actually DO the fun thing, you can just imagine yourself doing the fun thing - and smile.

I hope you had a great Monday.  I hope you made a little fun for yourself.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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