Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday's Rising above the Crowd

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Wednesday.  I thought I would show you something from my past Sunday's kayaking trip to Landsford Canal State Park in South Carolina during their annual Spider Lily Festival. Be prepared - there may be more of the beauties making their way to my blog this week.  This picture stood out to me because of the one that's separating itself from the mass of others.  Why do you think that happened?  It's the same plant as all the others.  It gets its nourishment and water from the same sources as the others.  What makes it so special?  Did it want to be taller more than the others?  A plant can't think, so, I think not.  But, it brings me to my thought for the day - Rising above the crowd.

What makes one person stand out from the crowd - to rise above the others?  They go to the same school.  They take the same courses.  They eat the same food, they drink the same water.  They wear the same kind of clothes.  They come from the same families, same neighborhood, same ethnic and financial backgrounds.  So what makes a person rise above the crowd?  What makes a person want to work harder than the others? To study harder? To make goals and focus on achievement?  What makes them want to be consistent day in and day out?  What makes them want to be different from others ?  What makes them accomplish what others can but won't?  I'm told it's something in between their ears - their minds, in the way they think, in the conversations they have with themselves, in the way they believe in themselves.  So, is the moral of the story simply "Change the way you think and you can change your life"?  I have heard that before and I believe it's mostly true.  I also believe that thinking won't make it so.  I think that changing the way you think - along with changing your behaviors - WILL change your life, or my life, or anyone else who's consistently working on those.I am working on my thoughts and behaviors in order to accomplish my goals because I want to rise above the crowd.  I enjoy being different.  How about you?  What do you want to accomplish?  Let's be consistent and accomplish our goals.Thanks for looking.  Let's rise above the crowds.  See you tomorrow.

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