Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday's Catch of the Day!

Copyright AJ Horton

Most times it helps to be in the right place at the right time.  Some times that happens because of planning and preparation.  Sometimes it's just pure luck, or good fortune.  I guess it could be a matter of all three with this photo.  I know as I was taking pictures of this I was sitting in my kayak going "please, please, please be on the right camera settings," and "please, no motor boats come by and rock me"!   And so it was!  I was pleased.  Someone had sushi for dinner.   I just love Great Blue Herons.  They are very graceful birds.  When they fish, they stand very still for long periods of time, then gently wade toward their prey, then wham - they go for it!  They are so fast at that one moment, it's amazing!  I have watched them fish many times and only caught their catch on camera once or twice.  I also have only seen them eat where they catch - never have I seen them transport the catch.  So this was another wonderful surprise when I saw her pick up this fish from her nest.  I didn't think they ate in bed.  But, she has little ones now, so there must be an occasional exception.  

I hope you have a wonderful Friday, whether you have fried fish, baked, broiled or grilled fish; whether you have sushi, sashimi or no fish at all.  Just have a great Friday and know that there's a wonderful weekend ahead.  

Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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