Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday's Heart Rocks

Copyright AJ Horton

Yes, this is a rock.  I found this on my kayaking trip the other day seeing my "special" flowers.  To me it looks like a heart.  Plus, something I didn't see at the time I took the photo, it has a hitchhiker!  I do not know what kind of insect that is.  I zoomed it but can't figure it out.  I guess I'll just say I have a black spot on my heart.  I figure if we live, we all have something that rides on our hearts - some good, some not so good.  Those things that help add texture.  Those things that stain.  Those things that chip away at and reshape it a little; maybe even harden it somewhat.  You know what I mean - all the hurts, big and small.  Then there  are those things that fill the heart and make it puff out - all the smiles, fun, laughter, friends, family, etc.  Hopefully all the good stuff beats out the bad and our hearts stay more light than dark.  I believe that we can use our minds and intentionally decide which way to go.  I know I'm still a work in progress, but I'm concentrating on my heart being more light than dark.  How about you?  Is your heart beating out the darkness?  I hope so.

I also hope you had a great Tuesday.  Keep on rocking that heart!  Watch out for hitchhikers. See you tomorrow.

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