Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Pay

Copyright AJ Horton
Happy Friday.  It's probably pay day!  Wooohooo!  This squirrel is happy it's Friday - and payday.  But I know this squirrel.  And I know it's going to "squirrel" a little bit of its payday away for another day!  I have seen his "bank".  What about you?  Are you looking to the future like this squirrel and putting a little back for another day?  I hope so.  I like to put a little away for the future as well.  And then I say, "My future's so bright, I have to wear shades", and laugh.  Plus, I have a great pair of shades.  

We have to remember to spend time enjoying each day, it's a gift.  That's why they call it the "present".  And who doesn't like presents?  And we all want a bright future.  You can have one, but you have to focus on it.  I can have one, too, but I have to focus on it.  Let's all enjoy the present, and, at the same time, keep some focus on the future.  Whew.   Heavy stuff for a Friday.

Have fun.  Enjoy.  Thanks for looking.  Have a wonderful Friday evening.  See you tomorrow.

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