Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Look Out

Copyright AJ Horton

It's Saturday so we're not home.  We've got places to go, things to do, people to help, people to play with, people to enjoy!  Saturdays are fun days.  The things we need to do at home will get done, just not on this Saturday.  And this guy in the tree is on the look out for more fun - or he's looking out to see when we get home.  Maybe he's looking out to make sure we're safe.  Maybe his fun is sitting in that tree.  Maybe he doesn't care.   Maybe I enjoy looking at him and making up things he could be thinking about or even if he thinks.  No matter, I had a great Saturday!
I hope that you, too, had a great Saturday.  Saturdays only come around once a week so you better make the best of it.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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