Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Idle

Copyright AJ Horton

Saturday's here!  Yay!  We worked all week for this.  Now what?  Well, as my friend from Cedar Key, FL would prefer, how about let's make it an "Idle Speed Only" weekend?  Sometimes you just gotta go for that.  This guy was hanging out at the marina one day and I was the fortunate one to capture him.  I'm sure he was a normal sight for the locals, but to a tourist like me, well, he was special.  And he still is to this day.  He has a place in my house as I try to remember that home is not just for working or cleaning.  I don't always need to be busy.  Home is also a place where I can be idle and just relax and put my feet up.  Saturday is a good day for just that kind of activity. 

Whether you have a busy Saturday schedule or you just want to be idle like my friend, I hope you have a great day!  And when you've been too busy and want/need to be idle like my friend, please think of this guy and give yourself permission.  Thanks for looking.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Peace and Blessings

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello Friday!  I am starting this day with gratitude as the sun comes up over Friday.  Whenever I find myself at the Catawba River Dam, Fort Mill, SC  access site I feel peace.  This picture, to me, symbolizes all that the day may offer;  a golden glow that warms; a smooth surface to navigate; and a knowing that there are obstacles along the way.  That light from above will allow me to see  how to navigate the way around, through or over those obstacles.  All I need to do is keep my mind open and use my brain and brawn a little bit; sometimes a lot.   It is hard, there's a lot of work getting around all those obstacles, but when you do, when you look back and see all that you've been through and the sun is still shining, and you're so tired, you still feel energized and grateful and pleased with your accomplishments!    And you'll know that you can deal with future obstacles as well.

So on this Friday I wish for you peace and blessings and the insight you need to navigate through all the obstacles you may face on your journey through the day.  Keep a good attitude with gratitude.  You know you'll be rewarded in the end.  Thanks for looking. Have a wonderful, wonderful day.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday at the Beach

Copyright AJ Horton

Wait.  What!?  There's no beach?   That's snow you say.  You're right.  Haha, fooled you!  More snow.  That's alright.  It was pretty.  But now I'm ready for warmer temperatures and springtime.  Except it won't happen just yet.  More cold temperatures and frozen icy roads still to come.  I am ready to see the sun though.  Soon we'll all enjoy warm weather and sunny days.  In the meantime I have faith that every one will enjoy this weather as much as possible, bundle up, and drive defensively and safely.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday Color and Snow

Copyright AJ Horton

More snow?!  Bring it!  I've been to town, done the shopping so there's plenty of food and have extra source of heat if the power goes out.  I am ready.   And, my camera batteries are charged for the beautiful pictures I'll capture tomorrow.  woop woop     Since it's so grey outside with the snow, I do try to find something that has a little bit of color mixed in - like these red berries and leaves.  Red is, after all, one of my favorite colors.

If you had a snow day today, and expect another tomorrow, I hope you have a great time and find some interesting activities to enjoy.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow for Tuesday

Copyright AJ Horton

So once again it is snowing here in the South.  This is today from the end of my driveway.  Earlier it appeared as though we were on the edge of the world.  Exhilarating and scary at the same time.  Fortunately it is just snow, the fluffy kind where you stick your tongue out and catch the flakes.  It's also the kind you use to make snow cream.  Maybe my mom and I will make some later.  That would be fun.  One thing we won't do is take a swim off the neighbor's dock!  What fun will you have today?  Enjoy your weather if you can.  Have a great day whatever you do.  Thanks for looking.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Good Morning Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Say goodbye to the weekend and hello to Monday!  No matter what the outside looks like, it is going to be a great day.  Yes, Mondays bring an element of wonder - I wonder what's going to happen at work; I wonder if it will be busy; too busy; if everyone will show up; if I'm going to make it through today.......

As you walk that Monday pathway just remember, this too shall pass and Monday will be over in a flash.  And once this Monday is gone, you won't ever have it again.  So, make the best of your Monday.  Go through your day with a sunny heart and smile on your face and no matter what happens throughout the day stay calm.  On this Monday, let everyone else wonder what you were up to on the weekend that made you so happy today!!

Have a great Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Memory

Copyright AJ Horton
Ahhh, Sunday.  Most people like Sundays.  I like Sundays.  For some it's going to church gatherings.  For some it's lounging around the house doing nothing.  For some it's a work day.  For some it's getting together with friends and enjoying outdoor activities, maybe like taking a trip down Memory Lane.  This particular Memory Lane is located in Candor, NC and well, you know I just had to stop and take a pic.  I remember it well.   Sundays are a great day to drive down Memory Lane. Remember the time you hit that home run; remember when you had your first kiss; your first love; your first car?  Yes, we all drive down Memory Lane at one time or another.  Many of us take that trip every day - just for a few minutes - we just find ourselves on it when we share a funny story with friends or coworkers, or discussing a movie we saw over the weekend.   There's a lot of sharing of memories on Sundays with family and friends.  And remember, "sharing is caring".   Today let's all take a ride on Memory Lane and remember something we love, something that will warm your heart and make you smile.  After all, that's what good memories are made of.  Thank you for looking.  Thank you for remembering me today.  Smile.  I'll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hanging out on Saturday

Copyright AJ Horton

So it's Saturday.  What have you been doing?  Working?  Playing?  Yard Work?  Hanging out?  Yeah, hanging out is what I'm doing.  And if you want to see this guy hanging out all you need to do is go to the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina.  I think Saturdays are made for hanging out and just enjoying the day.  Isn't that why you work all week?  You work all week and get all your chores completed during the week so that you have Saturday to hang out and do what you want.   I hope you had a chance just to hang out today.  I hope you like my friend above.  I want to thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Wishing

Copyright AJ Horton

Okay, so it's Friday and it's still very, very cold - except in this photo.  This is in one of my favorite places, St Marys, GA.  I just love looking at the colors of the sky, the water, the grasses.  And knowing it's warm there, much warmer than here.  But now it is still Friday, and Friday is special.  For many, it signifies the end of a work week and the joyous weekend begins with possibilities.  You can go out with friends, stay in with friends, stay home and relax with loved ones or that special someone.  Whatever this Friday and the weekend brings, I hope you enjoy.  Thanks for looking.  Maybe you'll feel warmer enjoying the photo from St. Marys.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday's Cold

Copyright AJ Horton

My dog, Sally, is about three sizes too big for that little bed.  That's not her bed, but maybe she has the right idea.  It's Thursday, it's very, very cold outside, and what I want to do is exactly what Sally is doing - curl up, snuggle up tightly and just get warm!  To everyone who enjoys the cold, I salute you and You ... Can... Have ... It!!  Me - give me a warm, sunny day, I'll even take the humidity.  Do you know it's supposed to be even colder here tomorrow.  Brrrrrr.  And I live in the South.  I feel badly for those of you who live in the North.  But, then again, you may enjoy all the cold.  I know that we should all make the best of every day that we have,  whether it's warm or cold, good or bad - a bed that fits you or one that is three sizes too small.  Sally has the right idea.  No matter the size of the bed or the weather, make the most of what you have.  I'm going to take a lesson from Sally.  I feel warmer already.  I hope you had a good Thursday.  I hope you have a better Friday.  Let's make the best of all our days.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday's Green

Copyright AJ Horton

Wednesday is a fern day.  This particular fern was growing in the black waters of Lofton Creek near Amelia Island in Florida.  After so much snow and ice to many parts of our country, I just feel we need a little green to remind us that we are not far away from Spring.  Plus it helps me to feel a little brighter inside on these gray, damp days.  Even something as simple as this "fern" reminds me that it doesn't matter what is going on in my outside environment as long as it's warm and sunny on my inside. 

Maybe we should all try to keep our disposition warm and sunny.  Wouldn't that make all our days a little more comfortable?  Thank you for looking.  I hope you smiled today.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday's Ice on Ice

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

So Monday brought some ice to our home in South Carolina.  Maybe there was some snow mixed in but it was mostly ice.  And, of course when I woke up this morning, I saw the pretty but dangerous layer of ice all over the yard, the deck, the walkway, the road, etc.   The other thing I realized was that I won't be going anywhere today.  Yes, I am a wuss when it comes to getting out on the ice - not so much with snow - but ice is different.

However, seeing that I am me, I must venture outside my door to take photos.  So many treasures of ice sculptures!  The above is what happens when small ice cycles break off and fall onto the ground ice.  To me it looks like a broken starfish.  Looking at it now I do not feel the cold as I did when I made the photo.  Ha!  Good.  Otherwise I wouldn't be able to type.  By tomorrow's eve this and all the other ice here will be gone, I hope.  But the memory remains.  This will be a good memory.  I hope you are also making good memories.

Thank you for looking.  Remember I'll see you tomorrow.  In the meantime have fun and make good memories no matter what comes your way.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Cautionary Tale

Copyright AJ Horton

This picture was taken while paddling the Catawba River in South Carolina a few years ago.  How funny it was to find a sign about motorcycles in the river.  Of course we had to take a picture for our friends to see or no one would believe us.   And then today, on my way home and on the interstate, I was about to get into the right lane.  I had on my signal, no one was immediately behind or beside me and as I was angling over I heard a ZZZZINGGG!   Out of the corner of my eye I saw him.  Some crazy person on a motorcycle flying around me.  He must have been going at least 100 miles per hour.  I was doing about 70 and he was out of my sight before I knew it, darting in and out of other traffic ahead.  So after I said a "thank you" to God for somehow alerting me to this crazy person that I had not killed today,  I finally changed lanes.   A little while later I was home safe and sound and waiting on the snow that may fall tonight. 

I hope everyone is safe, happy and loved tonight - and warm!  Watch out for those motorcycles.  And, if you see one while you're kayaking the Catawba river I'd sure like to know.  And, please, those of you who drive motorcycles, be safe out there and don't put us all in danger.

Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Skylights

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

We all love skylights.  We put them in our homes, they're in businesses, and we look for them in our vehicles.    They let in a little more light and make our areas seem more spacious.  Of course the first skylights came from the sky.  I was reminded of that just the other day as I was driving home.  I had a little extra time on a sunny day and took a side trip to Lake Tillery, NC dam.  Water was flowing over the dam and I enjoyed making photographs and as I was there, the sky became cloudy and dark within just a few minutes.  I thought it might rain soon so I prepared to leave.  But as I turned to go I saw this sky!  I know this photo does not do justice to the wonder I felt as I gazed upon the wondrous skylights that had just been given me.  I only hope that you can look at this and feel just a little of the awe.   Scientists are always trying to explain why we see what we see in the sky.  I applaud their efforts and enjoy reading and listening when they share their knowledge.  I also enjoy taking time not to care about the science of what we see when such loveliness is before me.  It's in those moments that I just want to "be".

Thank you for looking.  Enjoy the skylights whenever you have a chance.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day 2015

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Helllloooooo Valentine's Day 2015!!  I keep this fella in my living room all year to let all know who live there and who enters that I love them and I am loved as well.  He also makes me smile - one of my  things to do.   On this Valentine's Day I wish for you love, gratitude, peace and blessings.  Enjoy your day with fun, laughter and love.  HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Eve on Friday the 13th

Copyright AJ Horton

On the eve of Valentine's Day, I'd like to send you all a single rose.   Roses are wonderful flowers.  They smell good and look good.  However, there are thorns on those roses so be careful not to hurt yourself.  But then again, there is always a little pain with anything really good.   And I'm told if you have rose bushes, you should prune them on Valentine's Day so they grow nicely during the year.  I hope you're having a good Valentine's Eve.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday Heart Love

Copyright AJ Horton

Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina is a wonderful place.  And look, it even has cacti that look like hearts.  And, well, since this is February, the love month......   I thought I would share this wonderful find with you.  Hearts are lovely to see no matter the type.   Although, this particular "heart" with HURT you if you're not careful with it.  Sometimes though, it's going to hurt you no matter what you do.  Regardless, we should take a lesson from it and remember to be careful with all the hearts in our lives.  Treat them with kindness and respect.  Treat them as you wish your own heart to be treated.  Show some gratitude and love.  And I hope you get treated the same.  I know I'm going to try that with all the hearts in my life. 

I hope you had a wonderful Thursday.  Happy hearts to you.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday loving on the rainbow

Copyright AJ Horton

So who doesn't love rainbows and ole St. Nick?  And when the rainbows are in the house, well that just has to mark a person as special!  Yep, that's my St. Nick.  Yep, that's my rainbow.   For some reason (I felt I was "special") that rainbow would appear every day.  I never really figured it out, but when I moved St. Nick the rainbow stopped coming.  I'm guessing now that I wasn't the one that was "special".  Yes, I love Christmas and everything that comes along with Christmas I keep things in my house every day that remind me of Christmas.  At Christmas time people seem a little bit nicer and family seems a little more important.  Why wouldn't I like that?  Why wouldn't anyone like that?

It's been a long time since I've seen that rainbow in my house and I miss it.  When I look at this photo I remember the feeling I would get when the rainbow came.  And at that moment I feel love - - and peace. 

So on this Wednesday I can only hope that when you see this, you feel a little of the same.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love on Tuesday

Copyright AJ Horton

Years ago while in Las Vegas we stopped and watched the water show at the Bellagio Hotel.  And what a show!  Of course this photo, to me, looks like hearts in a row.  They're showing me some love at the Bellagio.  The more love I'm shown, the better I feel.  The better I feel, the more love I show.  I'll bet it's the same for you.   Enjoy all the love that you feel at any time you feel it.  Enjoy the hearts sent out through the water at the Bellagio.  Feel the love.  And the next time you're in Vegas, check out the water show and be amazed.

Thanks for looking and feeling some love sent your way.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Slow Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Monday was slowwww.  Monday was lonnnnnnng!!  And now it is late, late, late!  But I don't think this guy cares.  I'll bet he doesn't even know it's Monday!  He looks a little grumpy.   But he brightened once he started eating the grass blades.  I found this guy while biking a trail in Florida a few years back.  And well - since I had my camera - what do you think I was going to do?  You guessed it - take a break from peddling and capture this guy for posterity.  Ha!  

So, when the day turns slow and long for you, think of this guy and how he just stays in the moment and trudges on about his day taking advantage of every opportunity.  Maybe I should just take a lesson and slow down myself.  Although I think my boss may have something to say about that.

Thanks for looking today even though I'm very late.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hello Sunday Love!

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello Sunday.  One day, when I looked to the bird feeder, I saw this Rose-Breasted Grosbeak and he said, "Thanks for the food.  Take a picture."  And so I did.  Sometimes back yard birding is the way to go.  You create an atmosphere where these gorgeous beings feel welcome and sit back and reap these rewards.  Try it for yourself.  Whether you take their photo or not, you are sure to enjoy what you see.  This Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is in the family of the Cardinals.  It eats berries, seeds and insects.  It can actually catch an insect while in flight.  I'd like to see that!  

Have a wonderful Sunday!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Is Saturday Here

Copyright AJ Horton

Is it Saturday?  It is?!  Yay.  I can come out and play.  I can do something special today.  I can, I can.  You, too, can go out and play today.  You can do something special today.  Or you can do nothing.  The choice is yours.  What's it going to be?  This little guy was spotted looking for something in my tree.  I love little surprises like him - especially when I have my camera!

Whatever you do, wherever you go, enjoy your Saturday.  It's the only one you're going to get this week.  

Thanks for looking.  I'm heading out to make my Saturday count.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Good Morning Friday!

Copyright AJ Horton
Good Morning Friday!  We've been waiting on you all week.
This particular fine morning some time ago we were kayaking the the Catawba River in South Carolina and this feathered friend was also enjoying the misty morning.  I am forever grateful that I was allowed to capture this and many other pictures of  him/her and now can share with you.
Have a wonderful Friday.  I hope your day is calm and drama-free.
Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday Spirals

Copyright AJ Horton

The Fifth Dimension sings, "Would you like to fly in my beautiful balloon?"  Do you know it, Up, Up and Away?  I experienced that feeling once.

Have you ever been on a hot air balloon ride?  It's fun and scary at the same time.  Oh, and it's hot, too.  Hot, hot, hot!  You're in a little basket with a flame shooting up into a balloon - a huge balloon made out of, I think, parachute cloth.  If you end up getting the same deal we had, you get to help pull the balloon out and ready it for expansion.  Then, when the ride is over, you get to help fold the balloon up and load everything.  It was definitely unintended work for us.  We thought we were just paying to go on the ride.  How surprised we were when we found out not only were we the riders, we were also the workers!  But, it was a delightful ride.  I may never do it again but I had a great time with friends and my Mom in this balloon.

I hope you had a great Thursday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Only Wednesday???

Copyright AJ Horton

"Well that's just not right!  I'm ready for Friday."

This guy was taken while vacationing in Florida.  He is very photogenic.  Lucky me always having my camera.  :)
I hope you had a great Wednesday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday Tranquility

Copyright AJ Horton

So at the end of Tuesday I need a little tranquility.  What better way than to sit and watch the water near sunset?  I believe this photo was taken on the west coast of Florida while on vacation.  When I look at it I am taken back to that time when everything was right, when the day was perfect and I was happy, confident and calm.   It's the way I want to feel every day.  So, when I'm feeling blue, or angry or sad, I can just go to my tranquil place, and relax.  Won't you come with me, relax, get calm and happy?  The water's fine.  Wade in and enjoy the tranquility.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Copyright AJ Horton
Tell me again, whoooo loves Monday?  Well, you woke up!  Be happy with every day.  And love whoooo you are.
Remember, we are in the month of LOVE.
Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Soup or Bowl Sunday!!

Copyright 2015  AJ Horton
  So today I was thinking about having some soup.  I took out the soup and the bowl.  Then I was told that this is "soup or bowl Sunday".  What is this!!??  Soup OR bowl??  I don't think I've ever had soup without a bowl!  They go together like love and marriage or a horse and carriage.  How ever would I eat my soup?  So, I just decided to not have soup.  Maybe I'll have something better later...... like when the SUPER BOWL comes on.  Hahaha - I knew all along it wasn't "soup or bowl Sunday".  Fooled ya!
I do sometimes follow football and I know that two great teams are playing today.  I'm sure that either the Seattle Seahawks or the New England Patriots will win. 
Thanks for looking.  I hope you had a chuckle.  Enjoy your Sunday.  See you tomorrow.
P.S.  It's February, the month of love and there will be a lot of love sent your way via this blog during the month.