Sunday, February 1, 2015

Soup or Bowl Sunday!!

Copyright 2015  AJ Horton
  So today I was thinking about having some soup.  I took out the soup and the bowl.  Then I was told that this is "soup or bowl Sunday".  What is this!!??  Soup OR bowl??  I don't think I've ever had soup without a bowl!  They go together like love and marriage or a horse and carriage.  How ever would I eat my soup?  So, I just decided to not have soup.  Maybe I'll have something better later...... like when the SUPER BOWL comes on.  Hahaha - I knew all along it wasn't "soup or bowl Sunday".  Fooled ya!
I do sometimes follow football and I know that two great teams are playing today.  I'm sure that either the Seattle Seahawks or the New England Patriots will win. 
Thanks for looking.  I hope you had a chuckle.  Enjoy your Sunday.  See you tomorrow.
P.S.  It's February, the month of love and there will be a lot of love sent your way via this blog during the month.

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