Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday Skylights

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

We all love skylights.  We put them in our homes, they're in businesses, and we look for them in our vehicles.    They let in a little more light and make our areas seem more spacious.  Of course the first skylights came from the sky.  I was reminded of that just the other day as I was driving home.  I had a little extra time on a sunny day and took a side trip to Lake Tillery, NC dam.  Water was flowing over the dam and I enjoyed making photographs and as I was there, the sky became cloudy and dark within just a few minutes.  I thought it might rain soon so I prepared to leave.  But as I turned to go I saw this sky!  I know this photo does not do justice to the wonder I felt as I gazed upon the wondrous skylights that had just been given me.  I only hope that you can look at this and feel just a little of the awe.   Scientists are always trying to explain why we see what we see in the sky.  I applaud their efforts and enjoy reading and listening when they share their knowledge.  I also enjoy taking time not to care about the science of what we see when such loveliness is before me.  It's in those moments that I just want to "be".

Thank you for looking.  Enjoy the skylights whenever you have a chance.  See you tomorrow.

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