Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday loving on the rainbow

Copyright AJ Horton

So who doesn't love rainbows and ole St. Nick?  And when the rainbows are in the house, well that just has to mark a person as special!  Yep, that's my St. Nick.  Yep, that's my rainbow.   For some reason (I felt I was "special") that rainbow would appear every day.  I never really figured it out, but when I moved St. Nick the rainbow stopped coming.  I'm guessing now that I wasn't the one that was "special".  Yes, I love Christmas and everything that comes along with Christmas I keep things in my house every day that remind me of Christmas.  At Christmas time people seem a little bit nicer and family seems a little more important.  Why wouldn't I like that?  Why wouldn't anyone like that?

It's been a long time since I've seen that rainbow in my house and I miss it.  When I look at this photo I remember the feeling I would get when the rainbow came.  And at that moment I feel love - - and peace. 

So on this Wednesday I can only hope that when you see this, you feel a little of the same.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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