Monday, February 23, 2015

Good Morning Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Say goodbye to the weekend and hello to Monday!  No matter what the outside looks like, it is going to be a great day.  Yes, Mondays bring an element of wonder - I wonder what's going to happen at work; I wonder if it will be busy; too busy; if everyone will show up; if I'm going to make it through today.......

As you walk that Monday pathway just remember, this too shall pass and Monday will be over in a flash.  And once this Monday is gone, you won't ever have it again.  So, make the best of your Monday.  Go through your day with a sunny heart and smile on your face and no matter what happens throughout the day stay calm.  On this Monday, let everyone else wonder what you were up to on the weekend that made you so happy today!!

Have a great Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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