Monday, February 9, 2015

Slow Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Monday was slowwww.  Monday was lonnnnnnng!!  And now it is late, late, late!  But I don't think this guy cares.  I'll bet he doesn't even know it's Monday!  He looks a little grumpy.   But he brightened once he started eating the grass blades.  I found this guy while biking a trail in Florida a few years back.  And well - since I had my camera - what do you think I was going to do?  You guessed it - take a break from peddling and capture this guy for posterity.  Ha!  

So, when the day turns slow and long for you, think of this guy and how he just stays in the moment and trudges on about his day taking advantage of every opportunity.  Maybe I should just take a lesson and slow down myself.  Although I think my boss may have something to say about that.

Thanks for looking today even though I'm very late.  See you tomorrow.

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