Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hey, Help! Can you untie us?

Copyright AJ Horton
Wouldn't it be nice to be in a cool little boat just doing nothing but maybe a little fishing, a little photography and a bunch of nothing?  It seems it's something even the birds enjoy.  Yes, it is important to take those times and get away from it all and enjoy doing nothing.  After all, we work and work and we deserve those times.  Sometimes, though, it feels that other obligations can tie us up and we can't do what we feel we deserve.  Sometimes it's overworking; sometimes it's our household chores; sometimes it's family obligations; sometimes it's just our own procrastination keeping us from enjoying the activities we enjoy.  Sometimes we just need to ask for a little bit of help to untie us.  We all need a little help from our friends/family every now and then.  Today these birds remind me of that.  They also remind me what a beautiful day today was.
I was not able to go out on my boat today, but I did enjoy time with family and sometimes that is the best!  Continuing to "tie" ourselves up with our loved ones is one of the most special activities of all! 
Thanks for looking.  Enjoy all your activities.  See you tomorrow.
(Please remember to like and follow along my blog.  Thanks.)

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