Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Squirrel Appreciation Day, Wednesday, January 21

Copyright AJ Horton

Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day.  Who knew?  Not me until just the other day
when I read a friend's facebook post.  I checked it out and yep, today it is.  Did you know
that a group of squirrels is called a "dray" or "scurry"?   Did you know that squirrels communicate
by making shrill sounds and with their tails?  Their tails are also used for balance, which may explain
why squirrels can get upside down on bird feeders like mine. 
I didn't know that black squirrels existed until I spent some time in Illinois a few years ago. 
These were  the fattest squirrels I had ever seen.  They were smart too, and knew my routine and when the feeder
would be full.  So I got smart and, since I knew what they would do, I gathered my camera
and well, you see the result.  It was almost like this one was expecting me.  Maybe letting
me take her picture was a way of telling me "thank you for the food".
At least that is what I want to believe. 
Of course, I had to take many, many photos on many days to get this photo,
but it was so worth it.
I hope you had a good Wednesday and a good Squirrel Appreciation Day.
Thank you for looking.  I hope you'll return tomorrow.

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