Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday's Angel Oak

Copyright AJ Horton
Behold the Angel Oak, well at least a small part of it. This tree sits on Johns Island near Charleston, SC and is free to visit. If you go to the website AngelOakTree.Org you will find that this live oak is considered to be more than 1500 years old!  You will find other information as well for visiting.  This tree is huge.  Live oaks are great trees for climbing since the limbs grow low to the ground.  The limbs on this tree are so big and heavy that no climbing is allowed for fear of breaking the limb (and yourself).
Why am I thinking of this tree on Wednesday?  I'm not sure.  I just like it.  Looking at The Tree makes me feel a sense of wonder and awe.  I am amazed that it has survived all these years.  It makes me happy to know that there are people who care about things like trees and preserving pieces of history.  I admit that I like trees.  I'm a tree hugger. And looking at this one, even just a small portion of it, makes me calm and grateful.
What makes you calm and grateful?  Think about it, won't you?
Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow. 

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