Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday's Lizard Gift

Sunday's Lizard Gift
Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

So today, I was tearing down an old deck sitting in my yard and left to get
an additional tool.  When I came back and was removing nails, I noticed
this little guy.  He was hugging the old deck.   AWWWW!  He's a deck
hugger.  Maybe he thought I wouldn't tear the old deck down if I saw how much he
loved it.  He was wrong, of course, but, in the meantime, since he was posing for
me, I went for my camera.  I appreciated the little guy posing for me and giving
me an opportunity to share his image with you.  The deck is gone now, a lot of the
wood was and will be recycled, so I hope this guy still wants to stick around and
enjoy the rest of the yard.  Thanks for looking.  I hope you had a great Sunday!
See you tomorrow.

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