Monday, January 12, 2015

Butterfly Monday

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton
Butterflies and Mondays.... Mondays come once every single week.  Butterflies.... Butterflies are free to fly away.... Or so it is said.  Did you know that yes, they do fly away, but, they can't fly if the temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit or lower?  Did you know that butterflies live only 2 to 4 weeks and only live to eat and mate?  While I enjoy watching butterflies and enjoy their beauty, and, of course, photographing them, I do want a little more out of life.  Well, a lot more actually.  So, while Monday is not my favorite day of the week, I will accept it for what it is, do my best, and hopefully, live to see another Monday.
I hope you had a great Monday and that you, too, will be around for another one.  Thanks for checking out Butterfly Monday.

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