Monday, January 19, 2015

Triple Falls Monday

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton

 This is Triple Falls in DuPont State Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina.
Waterfall hunting is a favorite of mine and the western area of
North Carolina is great.  No matter what the weather, the water
is always a wonderful treat.  I just enjoy sitting, watching and hearing the roar
of the water and getting lost in the joy of all that.  Sometimes when I look at
Triple Falls, I wish I could just use it as a great big slide.  Wouldn't that be
awesome!  Well, yes, and maybe deadly, so I'll just fantasize and stay alive.  Maybe
one day you'll also want to visit this wonderful waterfall and share in
my sliding fantasy!
Hope you all had a great Monday, a great Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  Thanks for
looking.  See you tomorrow.

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